
Is anyone still playing The Division? I go back every few weeks, play for an hour or so, get bored, leave.

Solution, get fucking jacked up right now so all you have to do is maintain later.

I live in New York State. I needed to get four references, get interviewed by a county detective, pass state and federal background checks, and wait a year before I could even buy a pistol. It was annoying but at this point maybe the rest of the country should do it that way. Texas sure doesn’t. The problem is that

My wife and I were talking about this exact problem last night. The specific issue with gun control in this country is that neither side is willing to compromise at all. There needs to be some measure of sense added to the mix on guns because I simply cannot wrap my head around how someone who was on terrorism

Interestingly, as a “responsible gun enthusiast,” I agree with you. There is no practical reason to own a battle rifle. The only reason ever provided that even pretends to hold water is to defend oneself against the government. But the government has tanks and airplanes, so....a few battle rifles aren’t worth shit.

Pistols and rifles since I was in college, so starting about 10 years ago.

Well....now I feel like I have failed at knowing enough about wheel alignment history for someone my age.

Interesting. I did not know that. Thanks for educating me. :D

True, although (not to knock him) it was only after his wife passed away.

Interesting. I knew that this type of cant offered those things just not that it mandated by the UK govt.

But why? Just curious.

UK alignment has the wheels canted out by default?

It’s called a stick shift. Drop to third at 75mph and you’ll pass them no problem.

My wife and I just sold our ‘04 Camry and the guy who bought did exactly this. He was very excited when I told him about the bluetooth adapters.

Take a look at Never10. I think Lifehacker had it featured recently.

Budweiser is shit.

What the actual fuck...

People who sexually assault other people are assholes. In no world are the assaultees at fault for the assaulters decisions.

I’ve recently decided that getting angry over the masses of people who purport to be native English speakers that cannot actually form a reasonable thought or use the correct words is not worth my rising blood pressure.