None of the errors are spelling errors. They are word choice problems. They need a dictionary.
None of the errors are spelling errors. They are word choice problems. They need a dictionary.
You can do this with a $35 Raspberry Pi and an $18 microSD card. And about 2 hours. The RPi 3 even has a built in WiFi radio.
Why is it that people always wait until the middle of the movie, during a quiet scene, to struggle opening their 9th bag of Swedish Fish? Open your fucking candy before the movie starts, amirite?
Yea, given that the stick is out at Audi...I suppose I could branch get some other lux AWD. Definitely food for thought.
Swung by the nearest Audi dealership this morning. Apparently, no more sticks are available. So....probably headed towards the 2017 A4 since I don’t feel like extending my lease long enough to wait for the 2017 S4 and stick is out the window....(grrr)
I can’t believe the A4 would and the S4 wouldn’t....
You’re the second person to say Android Auto sucks in this thread. And you’re right, I shouldn’t base the whole purchase around it. I just thought I’d able to enjoy it if I wanted to, but given that ‘17 is available in stick....pointless in waiting.
I’m seeing that now too....fuck. I guess I’ll just get a ‘16 S4. I’m surprised they would take the manual box away from the S series.
Holy shit you’re right. I guess I might as well just get the ‘16 and fuck Android Auto....
Yea, I’m in the same boat except I’m having dealing with it rationally (my inner child is still drooling over the S4 even though ostensibly I could just get a VW). That’s a bummer about Android Auto....
Yea, I have a ‘13 GLI which is everything I’ve wanted in a car except AWD. I know Audi and VW are essentially interchangeable but the little kid in me has been hankering over the S4 for like 3 years but if the S3 had a stick option I’d save myself $15k-$20k. I almost got an ‘16 S4 but I wanted to wait for Android…
Yea....I have a ‘13 GLI so getting a new VW hatch would be an interesting sidegrade (vs the“upgrade” of an Audi). I do like have a trunk I can stick stuff in.
Anybody know if the 2017 A3 or S3 will have a stick option?
Oh hell yes he did.
Goddammit I got something in my eye.
I had a buddy in college named Tony. He and his wife changed their last names to Stark when they got married. So now he is Tony Stark.....
I don’t know what the big deal with buying tampons is. It’s not embarrassing for me to do if my wife tells me she needs them. Just tell me what you need and I’ll get it.
Disclaimer: I’m very into guns and have several.
I actually get looks of surprise when I get new tires and I provide the key. It’s pretty funny.
Not that exciting, but I had the liquid cooling block for my CPU crack and leak all over my GPU. The fluid was allegedly non-conductive (HAH!), but totally cooked the GPU board. Needless to say, I’ve never used liquid cooling since.