
Of all the changes I made to my house when I bought it, the 20kw Kohler standby was the best. I’ve only lost power a few times in 2 years, but it’s been worth it every time.

So, this guy should be expecting a visit from these guys:

Is it just me or does this seem like an RIAA mess waiting to happen?

Yea, given the feeling I had when a college girlfriend made out with another person I can’t imagine having a partner fuck somebody else. I’m not one to tell other people what they can and cannot do, but if a relationship has reached the point where one partner wants to fuck other people, I’d be out in a heartbeat. I

You’re right, but the bottleneck is no longer the ethernet port but the USB port which means you are rocketing along at a potential 500 megabit.

Get an Apple USB to Ethernet adapter. Those are gigabit and apparently work out of the box with an RPi. Additionally, just from reading this, you are only routing DNS through the Pi, not all your traffic. Given that the latency is almost nil because it’s on your network not over the internet, you’re probably fine.

Yea, but GODDAMMIT CASTLE just seals the deal.

Easily the best part of the scene.

I remember when I first saw PWZ and I watched this scene on loop like 50 times and just cackled because it’s perfect.

This is fucked up. I don’t know how my life was different from this dude’s, but I can’t imagine doing this to another person. All I can say is #notallmen and apologize for those who think this is ok.

It probably depends on how much they are integrated into things like Steam. If you look at all the shortcuts for a game like Portal, you’ll notice they are all pointing to steam://...

This is actually my entire day right now. I spend more time dealing with distractions than actually working and I can’t get anything done. For some reason, my obvious hints to STFU and stop talking to me don’t work so let’s all just talk about something. I already have trouble staying focused, so now there are people

It’s funny because it’s true. But that’s actually how those comparisons look, too.

Yea I was out with friends once and this homeless guy was annoyed when we gave him food instead of money.

I have Solar City panels on my roof (Putnam County, NY). Panels are great but they fucked up my roof installing them. Still trying to get them to fix it. I am almost entirely on panels for electricity, but the repairs issue is ruining my experience.

This is frequently not a fair comparison. Men are generally required to wear more to be acceptable in an office. Have you ever worn a suit all day? Long pants all day? In the summer? Shorts are totally out of the question for men while women can wear a skirt. Bit more airflow if you know what I mean.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft came out with Visual Studio Code, a free code editor, in an effort to gain a little more good will (they did, however, open source a whole bunch of .NET stuff and released Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition, which is awesome). Visual Studio Code is based on Atom and I’m sure they

Aren’t .50 cal rounds illegal to use against people? Like war crime illegal? I have no proof and I don’t remember where I heard that.

For what it’s worth, I got out of ticket when the officer never submitted a supporting deposition. Most of the time, this is included in the ticket, but in this case, the officer either forgot or assumed it was included but it wasn’t. I requested one when I plead not guilty, never received one, presented that in

I bet they’re against birth control and against pregnancy. Nice little catch 22 there.