

Just generate an application specific password if you don't have Google Authenticator installed. If you try to login with your regular password, it redirects you to a web login that supports two factor authentication, which works as long as you have Authenticator logged in somewhere else. I do this all the time.

Bank of America doesn't have true two-factor, but you essentially need to know 4 things to log into an account: username, state the account was opened (although this doesn't seem to matter), secret question, and password.

One of the guys at work says this and it drives me up the wall.

I do half? of these....


You can configure it to use a Notification Listener instead of talking directly to GVoice. This gets around that problem.

That'll never happen. It would be impossible to manage.

Yea, I've pretty much reverted to correcting spelling, grammar, and formatting mistakes. The last straw was when I found that the article describing Judaism states that Jews are a race. I went back and forth with this guy for like a week.

They don't accept first hand knowledge. I've run into this issue many times.

I've lost any confidence in the TSA's ability to detect liquids. I frequently forget to empty the bladder in my CamelBak only to remember right before security. There is sometimes 50oz of water in there and they have never said anything ever.

Thanks dude. I've been basically drooling over this thing for a while. I gotta dust off Freelancer to satiate my need for a space combat sim.

Can I actually play this game already?

No worries. Just looking out. :D

Alan, I'm sorry to inform you that they have not stuck this time. I've checked on several devices to make sure it wasn't this one computer. Caches have been cleared, browsers, restarted.

It looks like it didn't take again. Still foriegn and Mnadarin.....

This is awesome.

I think drinking this much water can help you eat less because many people mistake thirst for hunger and eat more. If you force your default to never thirsty, then that mistake shouldn't ever happen.

I have been able to drink this amount of water by getting larger vessels with which to carry it around. I have two Klean Kanteen 27oz bottles (one on my desk at work and one on my desk at home) and my bag is a CamelBak with a 100oz bladder. During the workday, I drink 2-3 bottles and I tho to have another when I get

Doesn't matter, I was just saying. :D