Holy old comment Batman!
Holy old comment Batman!
That I doubt. Nexii are designed for hacking. It'll be running CWM and CM before mines even arrives in 2-3 weeks.
This. Using it right now to run all our devices in a hotel. WiFi is stupid expensive, so this makes it cheaper and easier.
It's worth noting that the latest version of the official YouTube app has floating videos already.
They have these in North Carolina, too.
Upon interrogation, it was determined that the suspect was a total bore.
Check the XDA thread. It's available on Google Play now.
Well, they definitely don't have any solid leads nailed down.
I eat a lot of quinoa, both prepackaged (the just-add-water-and-boil kind) and as part of a larger dish I'm making. As long as it's cooked with something that tastes good, it's just filler that has a lot of protein, which is fine by me.
#6 is only required if you installed the SSD yourself. Apple computers that come with Apple SSDs have TRIM enabled already. Just confirmed on my MBPr.
Also, see the setfile command. http://ss64.com/osx/setfile.ht…
No, ./ means "this directory". You mean ./.path
Pretty sure this has been there for a while. I used this at least a year ago. I know they just posted about it, but I've definitely used it before yesterday.
I'm using the Razer Blackwidow Stealth 2013 after using a Das Keyboard Ultimate for the longest time. Loving it so far. The blue glow doesn't hurt either, especially with my Razer Mamba glowing blue next to it. Everything glows blue, looks pretty cool if I do say so myself.
I think it's illegal to suppress someone's ability to practice their religion regardless of government affiliation. If a Muslim student wanted to wear a turban, I wouldn't think the school would get away with telling them they couldn't wear it. Plus, it's a freaking feather. SRSLY?!?
Emergency Exit
Noted. I was pretty bummed when the regular feeds became truncated a whiiiile back, but never did anything about it. Thanks for the info. :D
How about that. I'm guessing I can replace 'lifehacker' in that URL for any Gawker site and get the same full feed for that site?
LH, it's interesting that you post this on a truncated RSS feed.