
Lorraine obviously bristled when Tillman initially referred to Dot as his property.  Her response to him was just turning his logic around on him.  I think the scene with the bankers was intended to show that she isn’t going to play along with male entitlement bullshit, and the scene with Tillman was to give her some

I’d go a step farther and say the performances were bad, too. I don’t understand all the praise for this movie. It was a long slog for me to get through it, and afterward, I had words with the friend who recommended it.

The biggest laugh of this episode for me was the way Hader delivered “Oh no” when Larry said the goulash was no good.  Killed me.  

I have no idea how comments are working now, so forgive me if someone has already said this, but...


I’m also very curious about this. I’m really not sure what to make of Tyrion’s reaction. My initial thought was jealousy, but they’ve not really done anything to sell us on that. And he may think it’s a bad idea, but his lingering reaction seemed stronger than that.