Sugar Bear

Nothing you say will convince them until they convince themselves. In the meantime, try Al Anon; it’s there for people just like you.

It’s not all on you. It sounds like you might be struggling with a good deal of shame and fear around drinking, and part of why AA works is that no one judges you—we’ve all been there, done that, and usually much worse. If you feel like you can’t not drink (even after not drinking for extended periods) I’d encourage

Who exactly thinks it’s a “moral” issue anymore? I think this is in your own head.

Just....no. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS COMMENTER. It is very easy to ignore or justify even the worst drinking problem. It’s inevitable, almost, come to think of it. Outside help like this (or many other methods) can be a crucial lifeline—even just taking a simple quiz online.

There are a range of questions like this (often combined into easy quizzes) that you could think about also, if you’re at all worried about. (Things like, how many drinks per week? Do you ever drink alone? Do you ever drink in the morning? And so forth.) Pretty easy to find online, and potentially helpful.

You’ve missed the point of the simple test. If you’re not addicted to it (whatever “it” is: hard liquor, fru fru beer, alcohol in general, painkillers, whatever), you’d be pretty easily able to not use it for a month — even if you enjoy it. Enjoyment doesn’t matter. I enjoy, say, fast food. I don’t worry that I’m

Or fewer people might applaud, perhaps.

Wait, what year is this? Are we doing NEEEERRRRRDDDDSSS or “nerds are cool!” or “nerds are mainstream, whatevs” or what, here? Confused.

My aunt was one of the people who Ayers sexually harassed (verbal harassment including talk about spanking, not actual spanking). She talked about it over the holidays. She kept trying to minimize it, laughing it off and saying it wasn’t as bad as what happened to other people, etc. She is generally very progressive.

Back up. “Brocklynn”?

Going to an Alcathon! Speaking at 11pm.

There is currently only one important American playing in Europe right now

Deadspin presents: A Very Hipster Christmas!

Yeah, big deal, aliens. Pffft. Can they save us from Trump? Is the only question I’m interested in.

For the second time in two years, Track Palin, the eldest son of Sarah Palin and an army veteran

Just this rule? Not the 1,001 other annoyances and grotesqueries that come with watching the NFL? Huh.

Sure - but the post’s argument was not about personal economics.

It’s income inequality. Duh. Your premise is faulty.

Shout out for the mid-2000s Wendy’s jalapeno bacon double cheeseburger, which I still miss.

Oh, sure. “Expecting not to get raped” equals “coddled.”