Sugar Bear

Poodles are super smart, sweet dogs with great dispositions - but show poodles have TERRIBLE haircuts that make them look really stupid. There’s a reason everyone wants poodle mixes! They look so much better with standard cuts and not those idiotic “French poodle” blobs.

It wasn’t a great answer because there is no great, warm and fuzzy answer. Bernie cannot tell his hypothetical black kid to spit in a cop’s face, or spontaneously develop Superpowers. The reality is that the best hope for a young black person’s survival in this scenario is to cooperate as much as possible. That is

Bernie’s response was lacking, but it’s true. How is it any different from what Black parents tell their black boys? Cause the fact is if you give an officer any reason ( or no reason at all in some cases) they will beat you and/or kill you. The second half of his answer was what I had more problem with, because he

It’s another sad hit piece to throw onto the pile; let’s get this sensationalist fire RAGING.
Sanders answered honestly and in a way that dozens have before him, many met with positive feedback. “If you want to stay safe and protect yourself from vicious police, play their game and be polite.” It’s not the way things

I’m not a fan of Bernie or Biden, but in this case Biden’s comment was much more insulting, in that he effectively managed to avoid answering the queston, by providing a cute little soundbite. IMO
That said, Bernie’s answer wasn’t great either. 

The question was what would he tell his black son to do in the case he was pulled over. This article pretends it’s his general response to racial injustice in America. I challenge someone here to answer this question in a meaningfully better way, considering that it is you giving advice to your black son.

No, he knows. He said it in that private meeting a week (two weeks? a year?) ago. Something about, “and remember how we we used to deal with them.”

I mean, cool. But, you know, maybe show some compassion towards all victims of abuse? Maybe we shouldn’t immediately revert to toxic masculinity and say “what a little baby for calling the cops”?

Yeah, I got a serious case of whiplash going so quickly from “Pelosi mistreats the rock star freshman Dems” to “these shitty freshman Dems are fucking it all up!”

A couple years ago, even the most constructive and nuanced criticism of Hillary Clinton was denounced as the worst kind of sexism by her dead-end supporters and yet bros can attack Nancy Pelosi at the literal start of the game FOR DOING A STRATEGIC THING THAT MIGHT WORK and no one bats an eye.

Splinter before this week- “Nancy Pelosi needs to start impeachment proceedings, but she never will because she’s in Trump/Putin’s pocket.”

I think this is defensible strategy. The public is stupid. Call me condescending all you want, but I read the polling data. I know precisely how vapid the American public can be, and just how irrational and ignorant their engagement with politics can be. People have short attention spans, are easily misled, push

Great ready for the “What law did he break?!!1?” cries.

I mean, Hispanic Heritage Month is a thing, but I get you. Hispanic is still a relatively harmless term, but it’s an adjective, not a noun. The second he refers to people as “Hispanics” you know exactly how racist he is. Similarly, someone can be black. And you can reference the fact that they are black without being


Because he’s an immature, egocentric twit who’s never had to consider other people’s feelings.

I’m not one to throw around quotes from pop-culture characters that often, but as Ned Stark was apparently fond of saying, “Anything said before a ‘but’ doesn’t count.”

looks like you picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue

Yeah, it’s like when people come on the show you don’t have and you talk about nothing.