Never worked a retail service job, huh?
Never worked a retail service job, huh?
“proven it’s stronghold”? “it’s”? “stronghold”? Jesus. I know you guys get really sensitive about editing suggestions, but good gravy, that is.....not good.
Re: Portman. His “district”?
I’m talking in a cultural/philosophical sense.
All yogurt is the same; the idea of “gourmet” yogurt is hilarious.
Indeed. I learned a tortured justification for institutional racism I had never heard before.
Hey, troll! I know statistics is hard for stupid people, but maybe this’ll get through:
Not in the context of police murder of black people. The answer to your question is simple: people commit crimes in the familiar places they live. It’s an indicator of something worth thought, of course, which is the social phenomenon of ghettoization by race. But it’s not really important in and of itself, and it has…
I was at the mall with my girlfriend a few months ago when it—finally—occurred to me that she has to decide whether or not to look in the “plus-size” section, and I just have to look at clothes in my size. Amongst all the other clothes.
Gladiator death brawls
There’s a picture on the Internet of one such bull, and its expression of desperation is heartbreaking. It was killed moments later, knowing that it had been abandoned.
Nope. It’s fun and relaxing.
Come on, Rusev is great on the mic.
Who the fuck cares about Comey? It’s the tangerine nightmare we’re worried about. Also, Sessions. Fuck Comey. The idiot could have fired a potted plant and the reaction should be the same.
Did you read sentence 2, 3, or 4 of this comment?
Can you think of a parallel to a person who doesn’t understand what a percentage is?
What. The. Fuck. Dude.
(Pssst. Needs some editing, though.)
very scared place
I don’t think you understand what “privilege” means.