Weary or wary? Sense of the sentence seems to imply the latter.
Weary or wary? Sense of the sentence seems to imply the latter.
Curious: what’s current thinking about “woman” as adjective? “Female” is offensive as a noun but “female president” still seems to me to be the best form here.
The Executive Elbow, please and thank you.
Scripted outcome is for one wrestler to beat the other quickly and dominantly. Usually it’s a star on one side and a less-known wrestler (often local talent) on the other. (You don’t see the term much in a match between two main-event-level wrestlers; Charlotte is maybe the highest-profile female wrestler in WWE, and…
Hey there, bud, just wanted to let you know that you’re confirming a bunch of stereotypes about millennials. Maybe just stop with the insufferable smugness.
Good lord, I hope I’m never within five miles of you on a road.
I notice every night I don’t. And it’s really, really obvious. How do you not feel that film on your legs?
I think it really boils down to the subset of people (including myself) who HATE seeing the rich get richer—the same programs that win every fucking year. Thus I hate Kentucky, UNC, Duke, the Patriots, Ohio State, and bama (also an Auburn fan in re the last).
Where do you live? Have you ever experienced a tornado?
Agree! Also: more GOOD celebrations. There are a lot of bad dancers in the NFL.
Bob? Bob Knight?
“More than a decade ago” is “back then” and not “modern”? I mean, it didn’t air in 1950. What kind of truncated understanding of history is this?
Hmm, are you a troll or did you actually not get that?
He has to want to.
You picked this thread to be a grammar nag?
Go to an AA meeting tomorrow morning or tonight if it’s not too late; there will be one starting near you all day probably. Don’t drink tomorrow. Go to a meeting Thursday morning. If you drink tomorrow, go to a meeting Thursday morning. Repeat.
Is there a hidden joke about privilege I missed somewhere in this?