
Whatever this period has been spanning the Bush years until now has been characterized by people who are extremely bad at their jobs doing very, very well despite (?) that fact. No one has been so committed to not only being bad at their job, but somehow, despite being on the front row for most of the essential

Haven’t seen someone spend this much time running around Philadelphia with inevitable disappointment on the horizon since Hillary Clinton.

i really wanted your post to be told from the perspective of the fish, with the coup de grace being something along the lines of “your modeling costar is a vapid-presenting woman,” which would have filled me with such glee.

I Yet Again Was Not Asked to Model for This Erotic Carp Calendar, But I Was Sent One

Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with in 2012. Obama had 5 million more voters in 2012 than Hillary did this year. What happened to them? Did they just decide they hated black people enough this year to not vote?

The people who voted for Johnson were far more likely to be Republicans. He was actually working against Trump. Of course, if he could have remembered what Aleppo is, or the name of one leader of another country, or to just shut his mouth, he might have pulled a 150,000 more votes away from Trump in Florida.

This is like a goddam Escher painting.

I have no idea why sane/non-trash people go to NFL games.

My husband, a fan of both his radio show and PTI ,has late stage brain cancer and Tony Kornheiser had him come to a taping of PTI where there is no audience. He also gave him a tour and had him take multiple pictures on set. Marc “Nigel “ Sterne sent him a voice recording wishing him the best and they sent