
“The ship was commissioned in the mid ‘80s and actually put into service in 1995 so it’s actually pretty damn new as far as naval standards go” Yeah but 21 years of Russian navy service is the equivalent of 100 years of service in most western navies.

I love the game but I agree with you. The waiting always gets me into trouble as i always end up trying to murder random courtiers/family members out of boredom.

I made this mistake once, at a large block party in a kinda rough neighborhood, and was told later by a bunch of heavy/bouncer/thug types that I was friendly with but not friends with that I was calling them all pu**ies and trying to fight them. I couldn’t remember anything from the night before. I’m the last person

seriously. My dad to me to an Eagles game when I was a young lad and I still have vivid memories of the experience, none of it having to do with the football. From seeing a very intoxicated man peeing on the wall of the stairs leading to our seats, 15 mins before kickoff, to seeing a woman get punched in the face and

I had the misfortune of growing up in a connected neighborhood during the Philadelphia mob wars of the 80s and 90s. The guys you had to watch out for, the truly dangerous ones, rarely were the biggest fellas in the room. Phil Leonetti never looked like much but killed more people than anyone during that time.

there are people still paying for cable? I just assumed everyone was just netflix/hulu/illegal sports steaming. its way cheaper

they have several ‘playoffs’ that happen during the season in the form of cup competitions.

Is anyone else as grossed out as I am by the couple sitting in the hot spring/monkey toilet. I’m a bit of a germaphobe but that cant be a very sanitary activity.

I’m just hoping i’m able to complete my Ann Frank hidey hole in my attic for my Muslim friends before it’s too late