
Trump will make your business venture even harder. You’ve chosen a man who literally sits on golden thrones to be your working class savior. Can you honestly say with any sense of certainty that Trump gives a modicum of a shit about you? He cares about himself, his ego, and expanding his empire. That’s it. He is the

Well of course you’re right, but why approach people on your own team who are trying to help with cynicism, sarcasm, and alienation, simply because they are white? 

I just don’t see how an attitude of, “They’re not REALLY on our side because they’re white” helps literally anything. Insulting and alienating people on your own team only helps the other team.

White women who are attending this rally did not vote for Trump, and it does no good to fight with them as a group.

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

I think it eats him alive that he doesn’t have the respect of the people he’s been trying to get in good with forever.

Exactly. He has always looked for validation within high society. It stems from the fact that his dad, while being very wealthy, was essentially a slum lord with properties in Queens as opposed to a Manhattan real estate mogle. He has worked his whole life to live that down. Once he got there he revealed how “new

He’s a trashy person with a lot of money, and the real upper-class folks in NYC have never given him the time of day. And don’t you know, it just eats him alive. He has never learned that money can never buy class, no matter how rich you are.

I think some part of him really believes people will have to respect him in 11 days.

I’m quite sure that he thought that the admiration and respect and love Obama had came with the office somehow. What a rude awakening for him to realize that what comes with the office are the weight of the world, unfair attacks from enemies, and a constant stream of criticisms. He can’t buy steal or make the things

I guarantee you that he’s seething with jealousy at Hillary Clinton. She got exactly what he wanted - she won the popularity contest, but doesn’t actually have to do the job. Everyone hates him and he knows it and he’s still stuck doing the damn job (something she wouldn’t have minded).

I actually have some insider info on this! My brother is a ticket broker in the DC area. For both of Obama’s inaugurations, people were offering him absurd amounts of money for “extra” tickets that just didn’t exist. For Trump’s, he’s offering free extra tickets to anyone who purchases them.

I honest to god believe that after years of being a star chaser, getting a hit tv show and still being stuck with the likes of Billy Bush, or doing the ‘celebrity’ version of the apprentice and barely able to get 2-3 people a season remotely approaching cool, he went to the WHCA Dinner, and saw all the real celebs

You have to remember he is a 70 year old man with an extreme lack of curiosity, who thinks he’s already smart...

I agree, I think it eats him alive. He’s been up the “liberal elite’s” collective ass for decades - that’s why we’ve heard of him in the first place. They hate him outright, to his face. He thinks of himself as this NYC institution and he didn’t even win the primary in Manhattan. I think it eats him alive that he

His incessant need to brag about how he and everything to do with him is just the best or “record-setting” or whatever is absolutely breathtaking. I can totally believe the most important thing in his mind right now is putting on a good show at the inauguration. Not, you know, solving any of the nation’s problems or

Why would all of the celebrities coming to DC purchase their dresses in the city? I mean, most of them probably live in places like NYC and LA; wouldn’t they purchase their dresses in their hometowns, and then bring them to DC? Some many questions....

Now playing

So, like, you’re saying that chavettes ain’t posh?

It’s crazy how the right got themselves into such a white frenzy over those assholes torturing that boy on FB. The perpetrators were immediately arrested, charged with all kinds of things, including hate crimes, and most assuredly face stiff jail time. That is what is supposed to happen in a case like this, so people

“inciting people’s worst instincts.”