
To be fair to Megyn Kelly - after Gretchen Carlson went public and Greta Van Sustren, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity took to the airwaves to smear her while performing fellatio on Ailes - Kelly’s pointed public silence SPOKE FUCKING VOLUMES.

Omg no, this is not about Bernie. The DNC did not steal the election from him. It wasn’t rigged in favor of Bernie & it’s not rigged in favor of Trump. Just no with the conspiracies.

It’s articles like this which are making me begin to hate this site with its faux-offended-outrage clickbait bullshit. Every damned day we are meant to get upset by some trivial nonsense that has no importance to anyone with even half a life to live. Jezebel needs new writers, writers with more of a range of views on

Well said. Its also exhausting trying to determine which tribute/parody videos are stupid and useless and which are funny and loveable. For a feminist site to spend this much energy tearing a woman down is just sad.

I’m sorry but I think it’s ridiculous to say that a piece of pop music is “not for” anyone. Beyonce is a commercial artist. She makes commercial music that she promotes and sells to millions of people regardless of race. Obviously she is creating art that comes from her experience as a black woman, and I think it’s

I’m pretty sure that lemonade is for everyone since Beyoncé and her team released the album to the general public in exchange for monetary gain... 

10/10 would bang now and forever, both in character and out.

While you know I generally agree with you I do want to push back somewhat on the idea that Lemonade is not for white people.

I mean seriously though? At the end of the day we’re talking about a highly produced, 3-minute music video that was churned out of a profit machine modernly designed to capture views, incite tween worship, and generate revenue for the ultra wealthy.

Is thee a difference between a Texas bama and the way bama is used in D.C.? Because in D.C. - it ain’t that serious. Usually you’re clowning on someone by calling them a bama. I’ve tried to google and find a difference but i can’t seem to find one.

As always your choice of whom to support is arbitrary to biased. Everything good this site does is nullified by posts como asi

Great. Good to know Jez isn’t bothering to weed out the hacks. Thanks for your continued enlightened commentary. Please, regal us with another desperate attempt at a Trump zinger.

She was wearing her costume for the movie she is filming while dancing and mouthing the words to a popular song this is no different than what everyone does musically and dubsmash...this outrage is such a stretch

How much of a culture shock must it has been to move to Washington from Mississippi? Hell, I just visited Mississippi to see a family friend for a day, and it was a bit of a culture shock. I’m sure the taxes must be a big change aside from the cultural differences.

People like Phil Bryant are why Republicans continue to lose. They are a single issue party at this point, despite the fact that most Americans want abortion services to be legal and available within reason. Governor Bryant is one of a long line of elected officials who thumb their noses at provisions and laws,

I’m from Mississippi. I assumed this in general misery was normal. I just moved to Washington and cried when I found out I could vote by mail. I’m never going back and fuck that state and fuck Phil Bryant (which is what I should have said to his dirty little rat face in that airport three years ago).

So much conservative crap is being overturned by the courts whether it be these unconstitutional laws blamed at crippling abortion providers, or the unconstitutional laws blocking the vote.

Mississippi continually ranks in the worst 3 in terms of education, health, obesity, happiness index, and wages, and taxes paid vs. federal aid consumed. They seem to piss away tens of millions of dollars a year with laws they know will be overturned fighting gay marriage, gay peoples’ rights to use restaurants,

Is it just me or has there really not anything damning in these email leaks? Or is the Hillary Kool-Aid just hitting me too hard?

I’m not responsible for your vote and I refuse to take responsibility for your vote. I’m tired of the people most easily manipulated by nonsense framings of the election demanding special treatment by holding their votes hostage. Go ahead and tell me you’re voting for Trump or not voting at all because I was mean to