
Well, ain’t the Trump type crowd gonna flip their shit when they hear about this food stamp fraud!!!! Oh wait, it was committed by a bunch of white Christians... Nevermind then, carry on.

If you haven’t been following this, the key here is that the hotel employees facilitated the video by telling the stalker where her room was and allowing his request to stay right next to her, I guess because they thought it would cute to let him perv on her.

Did you know....

Ooh ooh! I know!

Get over yourself. I’m a Hillary supporter that plans on voting with the party.

The best glory hole action in DC is always CPAC weekend.

Are the girls in the pic barefoot because they’re trying on clothes, or because they’re trying to represent the conservative movement’s policy towards women?


I don’t care if he’s pro-life, he is also pro-sodomy! Clearly.

What’s the under/over on the odds of how many Jesus fearing, gun toting, Bible humping, bow tie wearing, rectum obsessed, so called family values men fucked eachother in the ass after a smoking meth at this heavenly, blesses suare?

In the Future Female Leader photo, are they barefoot? Trying on shoes, or getting ready to be pregnant, conservative-style?

Also, another reason to love Bea Arthur:

*sits back and waits for mitten to explain what Trump’s policies actually are?*

*sits back and waits for mittens to explain which policies are so different*

Ugh. No. Just no. You know when you make something like pot roast and it’s a little greasy and then you put it in the tupperware and put it away while it’s still slightly warm? And then you open it to have leftovers and the lid spills condensation everywhere and there’s a thick white crust of congealed fat on the top

So, I’m a business owner and real estate investor, and his business record is not impressive. He started with millions of his dad’s money and proceeded to use corrupt, purchased influence over politicians to build just enough equity to leverage himself to the sky. Then he used the free cash flow to make himself flashy

Well it would be different if he actually was successful and did it all himself from the ground up. 1. He inherited a ridiculous amount of money from his father 2. He would have made significantly more money by just sticking it all in index funds and doing nothing. So he's an asshole, a trust fund baby and a bad

Is it really worth replacing a half-decent politician with one of the worst non-politicians in history?

Ah, the envy/jealous retort, never fails.