
I’m sure this is in the comments somewhere, but Planned Parenthood is on option on Amazon Smile. A portion of the proceeds of all your Amazon purchases goes to the organization of your choice. It's not much, but every little bit helps!

I know this has been going around a lot today/yesterday, but I have to say it here. The fact that people who are pro-“life” can rejoice in the senseless murder of three people is so idiotic.

So you’re telling me that easier access to healthcare is directly being linked to SAVING lives?

Ah but middle aged white men think they live in a world where they need to fear things (making wild generalizations). Because of Trump & Fox news, middle aged white men feel the need to fear, immigrants, people not white like them, people with different accents, the Feds, the younger workforce, the older

“I am so special that I would transcend time and space to be sad about the fact that I never existed!”

“*I* was ALMOST aborted, and given that *I* am the most important person in the world, my lack of understanding or respect of other people’s body autonomy and my personal, selfish feelings about abortion mean that ONE ONE should have them ever!”

I’m sorry, but while your grandparents didn’t have the right to decide whether you would be birthed or not, your mother did. And *you* have no right to decide for other people. Even if your mother would have wanted to abort you, you would have no right to hold that against her.

So you were pro-choice as long as it was a choice you agreed with? That’s not how it works...

I can’t imagine any circumstances that would make me believe I have the right to force a woman to carry a child when she doesn’t have the physical, emotional or financial resources.

My parents had known each other for a handful of weeks when they found out I was on the way. I was very nearly an aborted child. The extended family certainly wasn’t super-happy I was on the way: interracial babies still weren’t quite “the thing” in the 70s.

We all could have been aborted. This may sound harsh, but you are not a special case. I can understand the indignation at the fact that other people did not want you to be born, and I’m not trying to prescribe how you should feel about that. But keep in mind that you are advocating the removal of women’s fundamental

Would you be anti-condom if you found out your parents almost used a condom to prevent you? or anti oral sex? Anti abstinence? That makes as much sense as being anti abortion for the reasons you described.

A woman that was in a marriage openly talking about a relationship outside of that. Acknowledging she didn’t know who the father was. Discussing that and abortion with her husband. Husband supporting that decision.

My place or yours?

How is it “bashing” to report what this execrable man said? The current crop of GOP candidates and the majority of GOP office holders have crossed into dangerous rhetoric (and actions) which are fascist in nature. The stunning level of disrespect for human rights needs to be called out daily. Fuck “positive”

Welcome to your all new GOP. Both of their current front runners are nothing less than bigots chasing the racist vote of the right wing of their party.

It just boggles the mind that the Republicans have 0% clue how horrific this campaign cycle is for their image. They don’t even get how bad these statements are - all they have to be is *repeated* and they’re all like “blah blah gotcha journalism”

When it’s like dude - that’s just *quoting what the guy said*!

This is it. This is how the Holocaust started. The rhetoric is startlingly familiar if you’ve studied Hitler’s rise and the anti-Jewish propoganda used there and even here before we finally got involved. Trump and Carson and the rest of them aren’t funny anymore. It’s scary and people need to start calling this shit

I love mayo, but to say that you can’t simplify one of Fieri’s overcomplicated ingredient-vomit creations is simply abhorrent. Especially with a sauce that’s impossible to fully scrape off. Ugh.