You welcome. You welcome.
Matthew 6:5 through to 6:8
Jesus would be pretty pissed about the whole Christian public prayer thing that they usually do before every session, given that whole speech he gave specifically prohibiting it. I doubt he’d be very concerned about what one Wiccan did, and more concerned about how most of his followers are getting his message so…
God I love when they’re all directly confronted with what inclusion means. If you’re gonna let one religion in, you have to let them all!
Yeah, that’s really the only type of logic to be found here. Conservative men don’t see women as equal to them, and conservative women are gullible and/or so selfish that as long as they aren’t directly affected by a policy issue they DGAF.
So let’s just get this straight... many states (and many republicans) don’t want to let women who get pregnant from rape have abortions, BUT they are ok with letting that child live with an abusive and dangerous person.
If we, as a nation, can raise $862,000 in a day to cater a hypothetical gay wedding with hate pizza, I’d like to think that we could afford $5 million per year to not further cause harm to rape victims.
Why does LifeHacker keep trying to make this person happen as some beloved, go-to expert in privacy security? He’s the most notorious spy of the modern age. If he were interested in exposing government snooping on citizens, he wouldn’t have stolen tons of sensitive classified data and run to America’s two most…
Alll thiiis. Because everybody wants a snippy ill-tempered rage-monster president, right?
“I will have to get better at holding my tongue and holding my temper,” he added.
Rand Paul is from the Tea Party/libertarian mix that I like to refer to as the libertea crowd. The libertea crowd is populated mostly by angry white guys. This is Rand Paul’s base. This is who he is counting on to support him in NH - where I live. The libertea crowd is big and vocal here, and have caused a schism in…
“Somehow we have to decide when a baby gets rights,” he said, arguing that people generally believe a one-pound baby born prematurely has more rights than a larger baby that’s been aborted. “It seems like an abrupt diminution of rights.”
Guys I have a real problem. I can't stop listening to that song Jealous by Nick Jonas and dreaming about him walking towards me in a club while also shirtless.
A MILLION times this. Everything falls into place when you learn how to communicate — even the conversations about how to communicate are easier when you know how!!!
Must be fun around set with her and Jon Snow. An endless contest to see who can take themselves more seriously.
Am I the only one who still sees a vagina in the leaf of her new tattoo?
There is a difference between being attracted to someone and recognizing someone is attractive. There are people that I am not attracted to but I recognize that they are attractive people.