
Also Gene seems like he might be gay and the family is totally cool with that.

I thought the same thing when I saw that pic. Damn.

Rock on!

Where's the beef?

Fellow tuxie fan here, too. Mr. Mao is most definitely the king of the castle and is quite the chubby little charmer.

I almost spit coffee all over my monitor when I read your comment. "Abrasive Clit" will be the name of my new punk rock band.

She needs more Lemon Pledge.

There oughta be a #SupportSiriusXM hashtag to counter the cancel/StandWithAnt hashtags.

How much for Channing Tatum? Asking for a friend...

Suzanne literally cannot wait for this.

Not to be all persnickety and what not, but that's Disney World in the pic.

Mr. Mao agrees (the curled up paws, I just can't...so cute...)

Isn't this why there is a guard at the public restrooms in Chelsea Market, the ones that are individual locked rooms? That's what a friend of mine told me.

Here are the facts, dick hole. In a majority of the country, a person can be fired just for being gay, or denied housing, etc., with no repercussions. I'm sure it happens more often than we would like to believe.

Chances are they still won't get the message, but this is usually what we're trying to do when we shine a spotlight on their bigotry.

Now these guys know how to wear some high-waisted pants...

I'm thinking of archiving screenshots of Facebook comments so I can pull them out when somebody pisses me off in the future. I can remind them how wrong they were on this issue and then maybe win almost every family argument for decades.

Yes, this! Without a beard I am as baby-faced as Dennis the Menace.

I don't know if replying to your note will bring it out of the grey, but I'm gonna try. Your story needs to be heard.