
I see your point there, but I don't think we can take any of the rumors or photos we've seen so far as true indicators of what's to come, to be honest. Perhaps the next phone will be thinner or lighter than any of us expect, even if it has a larger screen. Bigger screen needs more battery and processing power; LTE

Agreed. He didn't need to play the gay card there at all, he certainly doesn't speak for me, thank you very much. If you can't make your point stand on its own, don't bring all of us gays into it. That was just unnecessary.

Perhaps, but smaller individual components mean they can pack more stuff inside while keeping size/weight under control.

And bald by 30 after the Prince William remarks.

Well, if anything, Romney's choice shows that his camp has officially decided that voters in the political middle, women especially, just don't matter and they don't care about their votes. It's more important than ever that independents who lean progressive/centrist turn out this time. Add to that the fact that

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Or NTSF:SD:SUV technology (skip to 1:02 in the video)

You're not alone in some respects. I personally think it looks overly simplistic and cheap. It wasn't that long ago that Aero was the latest and greatest thing and we needed decent video cards to get all those effects - this seems like a real step backward to me. I tried the Office 2013 preview and hated its interface

I'm impressed by your wireless solution but I'm more impressed that you've got 1000 sq ft in Manhattan.

My bank (Ally) advises customers to keep them for 60 days, but I usually shred them after they clear.

A Chet Haze wannabe.

My sentiments exactly. It could very well be that all of these leaked items are intended to lead people (i.e., competitors) down the wrong path, and what we see next month may look nothing like these prototypes.

I honestly don't understand the anti-union sentiment many of them express; I think people have forgotten what life was like before unions. Plus, I would imagine that many of the tea party's "working men" have been part of a union or are currently in one.

Yeah, I get the feeling that if the world ended and the only people left on the planet were the ones in the Olympic Village, the population would rebound in record time. And be beautiful and athletic.

Mr. Mao concurs.

Let's all hope Apple is listening to the market and responds accordingly.

Yeah, this exactly. The loons on the far right sure can dish it out, but they can't take it. Now that the shoe's on the other foot, "to hell with the people who have been giving JC Penney grief over this."

This is why the chairs in my living room have aluminum foil taped to the bottom. Kitteh no like foil. So he'll have to stick with the laundry basket instead.

I would imagine many locals and tourists were also online, hoping to catch a glimpse of famous, sexy athletes.

Ass-hat Trent Franks from Arizona is among the male supporters. He's also managed to get a bill through committee that effectively bans abortions in DC after 20 weeks.

Me too. I haz a sad. It's a great little app.