
@DanyBrancho: Ice blocking is definitely the way to go. Just pick up a couple blocks at the gas station before you go and have a blast.

Anyone else notice how he lowered his seat to make the stunt at 2:15 easier? Kinda hard to do that in the middle of a competition.

@jnewman10: It will make more of a difference than if you don't vote, or vote for one of the 2 main parties. Plus if the candidate passes a certain threshold they can then apply for public funding which will help them immensely.

@jnewman10: So why don't you vote for a candidate that best represents you. There are a ton of candidates for every race, they may not be running for the 2 main parties, however.

@OreoExplosion: SeventyTimes7: I'm pretty sure that Gizmodo runs very few political stories if any. In the nature of Gizmodo, I think the title is pretty normal for not naming affiliation.

Does it have a chat roulette mode?

And just like that, this guy has 780,000 views.

@zenneth: Don't just tell the internet that. Call up your congressmen and give them a piece of your mind. Tell them that unless they legalize it, you are going to vote for their competitors and tell your neighbors they should vote for them too.

@Cheezis_Chrust: I think it falls under amendment 4. If they have a warrant with probable cause, they should be able to listen. Otherwise, tough shit.

@Ghostnappa9001: Furthermore I bet if you compared that chart with one of Apple's you would get the same version salad. Is it an iphone 4? 3G? 3? 2? What software are they running? Is it 4 on an iPhone 3 where they have cut out some features?

But what does it meannn???

@pjcard: That's true, but by this you could also argue that that's what humans do as well when they are playing. What if I move this piece here, or that piece there. The expertise is in knowing what avenues would produce the best results.

@blash: Umm, hate to break it to you, but C is the most used language still. Also, many libraries and system level code is written in C because it is fast. Examples: linux and GTK+

@pjcard: Most good chess playing computers do not use brute force. They most likely use alpha-beta pruning or other AI techniques. The state space of chess is simply too large to do brute force effectively.

I wish some of these phones had a trackball and physical navigation buttons. Hands down the best thing about my MyTouch 3G is the fact that you can operate the whole thing aside from text input with out using the touchscreen. It's great when it's really cold out and you really don't want to take off your gloves.

@technomom1: I like it. Why would you not like huge boxes that convey information about important programs that you're running, and are large and easy to hit when you are in a rush.

@buzztechyear: then you'll be waiting forever. Just because they are all going to get LTE, doesn't mean that their super less densely populated areas are going to get upgraded until 20 years from now. I still drop from EDGE to GPRS and I live in Denver, a pretty large metropolitan area.

If any of you are interested in classical discovery, I would highly recommend Zune. The selection is pretty good. I can usually find more than one artist performing the same composition. It's great, because if you're learning a new piece you can easily get on and search for multiple interpretations without having