
@Erik Jones: I figured I spelled it wrong, but was too lazy to look it up.

This should be good news for mormans who at any given time are required by god to have a year's worth of food for their families in preparation for the apocalypse.

@jd: actually, it is now a default to block that on linux systems now as well. If you really want to, you can use an additional flag to do it.

@genomecop: I believe it's spelled "morans"

Just for everyone's sanity. I closed the italics. But now for BOLD!

@ddhboy: but that's how it was when android launched. It was like 6 months or more of t-mobile before anyone else got on the bandwagon, even with no brands to protect.

@dtptampa: It's also the next-gen evolution for CDMA as well.

@mcnee: I believe there is a spot for texts in both the data and voice connection for CDMA.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Get ready for LTE then, because you can't have a voice and data connection at the same time.

@vel0city: And this way, when you lose you're phone you don't have to go to the T-mo store to buy a new SIM card for $20.

@helfrez: Should just be a network thing, so the new devices will be able to register after punching it in.

@peasant slayer: TheNexxuvas has it right. LTE isn't GSM either. It does not distinguish between voice and data calls the way UMTS and EV-DO do. All 2/3g tech will be phased out, so in the long run, you probably want a CDMA phone so you'll get better coverage in the middle of nowhere.

@dtptampa: LTE uses code division multiplexing, FYI, not TDMA.

@WinduSucks: The GPS in the current crop of phones needs a data connection in addition because it does not store the maps locally like the car ones do.

@small-fox: He does attend church fairly often, however he isn't religious about attending church.

This does not work with the advanced search features like the site: operator.

@diverguy: I used to work at A&F and it was a daily duty to walk around and spray every mannequin with the cologne that they were trying to move at the moment.

@BenjiS: I learned that when my gf's mom visited us in NYC when I was living there. I got them a sandwich and they put what was left in the fridge. Apparently, that costs $14.

@speednuts: what? Wouldn't you prefer some six feet under, cause of all that oil under the water? Maybe even @ 6 ft.