
I wish catalytic converters worked the way the author described. Every car would have an afterburner, there would be flames everywhere on the road. It would be awesome.

Yes, because openly paying Trump by staying at his hotels/Mar-A-Lago is far better than countries donating to an organization focused on AIDS relief.

That chicken must be worn out from all the fucking you have done to it. Trump has more ties to Saudi Arabia that Clinton. Hence why the “good muslims” from there are allowed in.

Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.

I’ve always thought of the Prius as a niche vehicle but this is ridiculous.

If Ridley Scott and John Carpenter opened a sushi bar...

There are other game modes to do whatever you want and get whatever stats you wish. When you play poorly on purpose in competitive it affects others trying their damnedest negatively, you’re just trolling at that point, friend.

Look, I’m sure this guy has met some vile people at the bottom. He must also have run into quiet and pleasant people who were legitimately trying their hardest for a win, just for this guy to “Hanjo” it up for yucks. Some people have disabilities that don’t allow for them to be top tier gamers, and while I’m sure they

You need to go further. You now need to make sure that others know about your trollish exploits by getting Kotaku to write about it in a positive manner.

“Most people are not going to get the Hanjo joke. If you got matched against my Hanzo, you did something wrong.”

At least he only farts around smelly people.

He’s Hanjo.

Yeah, this guy is a true jerk. Claiming fun is all that matters while simultaneously ruining others fun. That’s like enjoying the smell of your own farts, and unleashing them in public just so you can get a good whiff. Screw the others around him if they can’t enjoy the aroma.

Hi, I’m an internet troll. I troll people. I feel really good about myself. The end.

“If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst!”

Will the driverless Mustangs be programmed to do burnouts into crowds, or is that like an aftermarket add-on?

*quietly recalling all the times I rode in the back of our station wagon laying on the floor and wondering how I’m alive....

Holy crap! That's quite a process. A new... battery???

Maybe your vehicle tipped the scale, not so much the articles. Case in point, I have glass insurance with Geico, who I found out also owns Safelite. The rear window on my Mercedes coupe costs $1000, and no one makes a reproduction so it must be sourced from Benz and be shipped from Germany; seems no one keeps them