
Fixed your chart for ya.

I think they meant natively eliminated, ie all cases that year were from people traveling abroad and getting sick, then returning home and getting the treatment at home, which would mean they were a measle case in the system. So no one caught measles in the US that year. That's my understanding on it.

This is not new, it's just a slightly fancier animation than before. The gesture is pretty much the same too

or he has cancer

I just googled it: no, you should be ok.

This made me laugh so hard, Diet Coke shot out my nose. Strangely though, I am drinking Sprite. Should I be concerned?

More options than a white kid growing up in Connecticut.

By the sound of things he hasn't done shit for himself yet, like most kids, except selling scarves to afford driving the car his parents bought him.

As much as I don't want to respond to this attention seeking crap, it needs to be known that you go to a "pubic" high school.

Keep trying, folks. You've almost got the Hengjavik.

Simply, not possible for a spider. Possible for Arachnida like mites causing scabies

I'm a spider. I can hold my breath for four.

It obviously connected to the man's lungs. Tropical spiders from Bali can do that.

I just find it implausible that a man from Australia would have to go to another country to find horrifying wildlife.

So basically this spider is only passed through Facebook.

That's just...absurd!

Spiders have to breathe. I doubt that they can go three days without air.

It's amazing to me what normally intelligent people will believe once a spider or snake is involved. I have friends who have a solid understanding of biology who are nonetheless spreading this thing around all over social media.