
All responses to anything she says, ever, should begin with “Listen, bitch...”

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

How jalopnik are you?

The ban likely means they cannot trust anything he sends to them anymore. Since they found evidence on more than occasion, there is no telling if the next time he sends something that it is on an original cabinet or another emulator. Rather than tire people out with investigations, it would be easier to ban him. He

How can you watch that movie and walk away holding anything but contempt for Billy Mitchell? He’s characterized as the most egotistical, self-aggrandizing prick. A full ban is entirely justified. The only reason Twin Galaxies hasn’t banned him earlier is because he provides them with a lot of financial support (which

Billy Mitchell totally seems like a guy Liz Lemon would have dated for a season of 30 Rock.

Thanks for supporting the nonsense idea that the two candidates were even remotely equivalent!

Wow. Both people in omak saw it!

Unfortunately it’s powered by diesel and has 3 open recalls on it.

I did miss that little bit off to the right. Sorry.

To count coup against the enemy tribe, of course.

My ex wife’s dumb sociopathic cousin LOVED rolling coal in his Ram. He thought it was so f*cking funny to pull up next to some poor sap at a stoplight and permanently make their cloth interior smell of soot. Not to mention ruining their day, make them feel sick, and give them a memory to always be angry about. Guys

Well, people modify their $50,000 diesel truck to burn more $5/gal diesel fuel to belch smoke to strike a blow for the little guy against the small-car driving, bicycling and pedestrian elites. Or something like that.

What is the point of rolling coal? Is it just redneck douche bravado? Do they think it impresses anyone? I don’t get it.

Hey! What kind of wagon was it?!?

This is the exact reason my kids are not even allowed to touch the physical disc of Breath of the Wild until I have finished the game. Some say this technique is to heavy handed, even draconian, and to them I say “I’m gonna need you to take your opinion and shove it way up your butt. Way up there. Nope, a little

Another lesson: give kids their own accounts. Even if they’re five and only play a little bit every now and then, you’ll want to set up a wall between your saves and theirs. Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.

Ah, now eventually you DO plan to have Ragnarok in your, in your Ragnarok movie, right? Hello?

Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

An old-school refrigerator?