Turn to the left!
Turn to the left!
Wait. There are eight seasons?
Female Republican Rep: Were you alone the night of the attack?
Twelve Asshats Running
My legs are cute! The rest of me, possibly less so.
Ol’ Harry can attest to that!
I love that she’s really wailing on it after a while, too. Bess ain’t taking no shit.
YUP. Watched this happen to my aunt. He took care of some bills, and she took care of other bills. One day, she woke up to an eviction notice on her door. Digging, she found out that he was behind on pretty much EVERY bill that had been assigned to him... and there was no money in his account.
A woman I knew a while back was a rather well-compensated corporate lawyer. Her husband stayed home and freelanced. She made about three times what he did. She was a HUGE fan of pooling resources, and convinced me to drop the ‘mine / yours’ mindset.
I live in a sleepy suburb 20mi south of Seattle where none of this shit would make sense but my poor children are gonna see their mother act a fool. The morning drop-offs at the local Christian school are about to get real colorful. I.CANNOT.WAIT.
Cocktails at Chateau Marmont
Green. Greeeeeen! Love it.
No one wants your fly over leaves.
“A gift of water? You don’t say...”
I see what you did there!
That’s what I did. I donated mine to Savers, which benefits the Epilepsy Foundation.
Oui. Hadn’t thought of that.
I’m lucky, in that mine can be relatively easily shortened into a little white fitted shift party dress. I LOVE the back of it, so I plan to wear it to parties for years to come.