
I traveled for a year in europe with a carry-on suitcase. The secret is undershirts: shitty el cheapo t shirts which you wash frequently and chuck out on a regular basis and replace. Wear them under your good dresses and good tops, which means they don’t have to be washed so often, which means they last and you always

This was my first Glossybox that didn’t have one HIT item. I’m hoping next month picks up the pace again, although either way my bathroom is starting to look like a very organized pastry shop with it’s little pink boxes holding all of my tawdry secrets (tampons, mostly tampons).

Not with tailoring like that! Whether someone likes a dress or not is of course a matter of personal taste, but at least Kate’s dress showed she had shoulders and a (teeny-tiny) waist. Poor Diana looked eaten up alive by her dress - it was all dress and no person inside it, which I guess is pretty much how the whole

Agree. Plus, Breastfed babies poop doesn’t even smell anyway.

Waitaminute... are you trying to tell me that the messages kids receive from mass media can be counteracted by ... I’m scrolling up to re-read the term you used... PARENTS??

I am shocked. SHOCKED, I say.

ducktor who

I’d say (at least with my shop) it’s like 3/4ths women but considering that I sell tiny food charms and unicorn/jackalope faux taxidermies I have a surprising number of dudes buying from me.

I really love this. I read about someone who did this, but the wait list was years long. Can you share the artist? Etsy can be pretentious sure, but it’s also such a cool place for artists to share their talents.

Duck tardis is amazing and I look forward to your son being the next Doctor!!

What shop does this?! I love it!

I want this. It is Fantastic.

Same here. See giant photos below.

Ooh, what’s the shop? I want to do something like this for niece’s birthday.

That is amazing. Money well spent.


He also said that if he doesn’t get the backing of the Republican party, he’ll consider running as a third party candidate.

My mom definitely was naked around me and would occasionally take baths with me. But it was always very clear that this was okay because she was my Mom and that it wasn’t something that was for everyone. It also wasn’t like a “naked house” situation. It’s not like she was nude all the time. But if she was going to

Option #2: Don’t go on a cruise. They’re all terrible and trap you indoors with the worst humans on earth and then you get 2 hours where they dump you and the rest of your scum-of-the-earth boatmates into some tourist trap where everything is expensive and anyone there who’s a local hates you for ruining that area for

Interesting. This is the only brand of Almond Milk that gives me a MASSIVE headache. Wonder if it’s the “...calcium carbonate, tapioca starch, sea salt, bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit”. My money is on the bullshit.