But, everyone knows red velvet is bullshit.
But, everyone knows red velvet is bullshit.
A number of these nuts are threatening to move out of California, to which I say, “BYE, BITCH.”
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed SB 277 into law, which will require the vast majority of children to be…
I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they…
Lena Dunham, the perfect candidate to make gay marriage about herself.
It’s a sad commentary on our country that I’m thinking Jeb Bush is the most reasonable Republican candidate. It’s going to be Bush v. Clinton and I will have to hang my head in shame abroad.
It’s a typical narrative of wealthy white women who reduce India to a series of experiences. Same song, different tune, I’ve heard it all before. The people she encounters aren’t really people with their own hopes, dreams, and lives, they’re magical shamans on the path to her enlightenment. There are versions of the…
Does this motherfucker not understand that this is what WE ARE EXPECTED TO DO BY EVERY CUSTOMER? Every time you complain about us taking away your dirty dishes, we get complained at 500 times more for not removing fucking garbage. You OCD weirdshits.
The obvious answer here is to establish a value for yourself that doesn’t depend on fuckability. I’m 47 myself, and certainly there are things about being a 20-something stone cold fox that I miss; being conventionally hot got me a lot of things, including (although I didn’t realize it at the time) my first job.…
We forget how quickly this “empowerment” movement can quickly become the vehicle where girls can shame other girls without the “tummies” to pull such a look off. This is why “Adults” are in charge of dress codes and policy on school grounds, because we understand these things. When the inmates run the prison we have…
Sunday is Father’s Day. What better way to honor your forefathers than by sharing handsome retro photos and bragging…
My daughter is 20. She works (hostess at a restaurant) and has two roommates in a house in the hip part of town. She plans on traveling like that young lady there. So, in July, she’s giving up her part of the lease and coming home for a few months, then leaving in December. You only need $700 to fly roundtrip to…
Another litmus test on who to delete from various social media.
what is happening with Kinja? Mine got all messed up for a moment too... It’s like some weird kinja ghost....
I also agree. I’m an old, and it definitely depends on where I’m going. Even when I’m not traveling, I do take the situation into account when I dress. I’m an avid hiker, and although most situations accommodate at least bits and pieces of my personal style (which is dressier), hiking is all about practicality, so I…
LOL, I am imagining getting ready for a backpacking trip with my bf and being like “But I TOTALLY need these three curling irons! They’re different barrel sizes! How can you not understand????”
I think some of it is traveling but some of it is also maturity. When you’re in your 20’s you’re going to try out other styles. I’ve known people who traveled a lot in their late 30’s or early 40’s and I don’t think it’s changed their style upon return, because they were already set and six months without makeup…
I would LOVE more photos of this developing look, they all sound wonderful, in very different ways.
When I quit my job in New York to go backpacking in South America, I agonized over what to pack. I couldn’t, for…