
Also re: crying - ear plugs exist. I strongly recommend investing in a pair and bringing them with you when you fly because you never know- maybe it’ll be a crying baby OR maybe it’ll be the asshole with the music turned up to “I can hear your music coming from your earphones more clearly than you probably can”.


There’s only one correct way to parent, and that’s MY way.


Seriously, you don’t want to hear a crying child on a plane, wear some sound isolating head phones.
As for the seat kicking. That only annoys me when the parents dont even make an attempt to have their child to not do that. If the parents are trying, there is not much you can do. Children are children. (My last flight

Crying children irritate me just as much as the next person, but the last time I checked, this is goddamn America, and I recognize your right to be on that plane, same as me. Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go because your child might, I dunno, ACT LIKE WE ALL DID

I am having a semi-difficult time figuring out if you’re being facetious or not...

Well, step one, they need to make shows that are actually worth watching. People want to binge watch shows like Arrested Development, OITNB, HoC, and Daredevil because they’re so fucking good. You want to watch these shows for hours on end. Most things on network TV just aren’t that good.

Bingewatching, I’ve noticed, has made shitty things and plotholes disappear. For example, I watched “Dexter” from the start in 2006. First two seasons were good, the next six were complete garbage. Let’s not even discuss the finale. For the people I know who binge-watched it though? They love every little thing about

There’s also a looming bourbon shortage, and there might not be enough hops to supply the demand for craft beer.

This is like 50% of my booze consumption in the summer. What am I supposed to drink when we are recapping Game of Thrones and eating Chinese takeout? What am I supposed to drink when it is too early for whiskey or I am trying to pretend to be a delicate flower? OH THE HUMANITY!

So much for desexualizing the idea of breast-feeding.

Seriously this article made me want to take a nap. Not because its boring, but because its work. Ive got a wife and a kid. I dont have time for this shit.

I don’t recall that one hurting. Elizabeth Taylor’s “White Diamonds” on the other hand, from zero to praying for death in under a minute.

But what you are doing is what people SHOULD be doing and encouraging of shops and manufacturers.

Nooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am *literally* dumbfounded by the body-shaming of all the "Ewww, Speedos!" comments here. Seriously. I'm sitting here staring at this page, my mouth hanging slightly open.
Are you folks kidding? A Speedo is a bathing-suit. Any man can choose to wear one, despite his shape, age, or size. A string bikini is a

Okay, how about this? My dad is from Slovakia and I grew up with him wearing a Speedo. Since this is America, by the time I was a teenager I became more and more embarrassed by this and with enough whining, he bought a new swimsuit. Flash forward a few years and I've grown up, traveled much more, and I realize my dad