Make sure you do it on one of their free Friday jazz nights so you can look even cooler....…
Make sure you do it on one of their free Friday jazz nights so you can look even cooler....…
And you know I’d post it too,! Except that would probably get me kicked off or banned or some shit like that.
“Van Nuys to Westwood” ...shudder....
I hear ya. I know a lot of people do. We want to get out of LAUSD. That said, I work in Toluca Lake (Mr Bird is basically a stay at home Dad), and my commute is becoming an issue as well.
Yes! millennials PLEASE move to LA. Then buy my house (walking distance to LACMA!) so I can move to the valley and bike to work. Cheers!~J.
Do people not really use candlesticks anymore? What do you do with your candles, just shove them in the nearest empty wine bottle and call it good?
I wish I could get that gif on a’s just sooooo me.
I’m taking a trip to London in Oct and plan on doing the same thing. “Hey, this is my first trip to London in 9 years, so yeah expect heavy pics for the next week or so.” I think that’s fair and still allows me to save my vaca pics somewhere where I can relive them at will.
Part of my vaca social media strategy is that, after I get back, I step away from social media altogether for a good few weeks or a month. I still lurk, like and comment, but I refrain from posting anything about myself. I figure they’ve seen enough and need a break from me.
I love looking at my friends vaca photos too. I usually end up wishing they’d post more so I can live through them. My former SIL went to Paris for part of her 50th bday celebration and only posted 3 pics. Three!?
My guess is, a lot of youg’uns, who don’t realize yet that their current band crush guy is going to grow old too and probably look a hell of a lot worse.
I can’t find the clip where Kevin Kline is comforting Sally Fields, rocking her back and forth and her saying “Keep the rocking.” or something to that effect. Yup, I saw this in the freakin’ theater, which makes me officially g*d damned old. ....I wonder if it’s on Netflix...?
I’m with you. If I want a “chill” vacation then I’ll do a Staycation. But if I’m spending money or hard earned miles on travel, then I’m gonna see some shit and make some memories. Do people who spend a week sitting on a beach drinking actually remember their vacations?
My husband and I are both clompers. Our feeling is, we can be lazy asses at home, why pay all that money to just sit on a beach, we want to see/do some shit.
They are clothes that can be shrunk down and worn by 7-year-old girls without changing a single design element
I’d just like to throw Nazareth’s version into the mix here...
THANK YOU for taking the time to reply and type all that out!!! Great info, I can't wait to show it to my husband. Cheers!
Good for you!! We casually looked into moving there. We're Americans and we were told you needed to have a certain amount of $$ on hand to fund yourself for up to 3 years blah blah blah can't remember the details now. We're tentatively scheduled to go back for a visit 2016 with our two kids and I may have to have…
Don't put NZ at the end of your trip. Give yourself way more time there than you'll think you'll need/want. As other poster mentioned, you won't want to go home. I've been twice and Mr. Bird has been 3 times. Last time we went it was for nearly 3 weeks (an eternity in American vaca time) and it felt like we were there…
Thank you, I'll look for them. I'm taking a 9 & 7 yo to London, this will help get some mileage out of their clothes.