
"I hate how in Westminster Abbey there is virtually no surface in the mausoleum areas (not the right word) that doesn't have graffiti/carvings on it. People are such jerks."

Art, booze, kids, sunsets in that order. I only have one coffee leaf photo and one shoe photo so whew.

I met Princess Leia while traveling from L.A. to London.

I guess there's an advantage to my being somewhat hearing impaired, all of my devices are set for closed captioned. After 8 years watching all TV programs with closed captioned, foreign films are no longer the challenge they once were to me. My oldest is 8 and will sometimes watch Japanese anime YouTubes with the CC

I wanted to add to the positive wedding dress stories.

I'm 49, I live in L.A. and have learned this lesson the hard way.

"... I say we let in anyone on the cusp who wants to identify as GenX...." I agree completely. I was born in '65 and I totally claim being an X'er.

I get what you're saying. This is USC and people come to Southern California from all over the country/world with different ideas about what's appropriate/cool to wear. I moved from Cleveland to Los Angeles in 1986. I brought what I thought was the coolest stuff I had to wear (Bongo jeans!). I went to my first job

Yep, my daughter is 6 and I'm beyond thrilled she hasn't discovered the internet yet. Right now her 8 yo brother watches Minecraft youtubes on it and I think she thinks that's all that's on there. Whew!

We had a destination wedding, problem solved. No one wants to buy that extra plane ticket. We had a reception when we got back and didn't care if anyone brought their kids to that.

I had all her tapes. My Jane Fonda workout tape days were the fittest I've ever been. I also had a brief flirtation with New York City Ballet tapes when they first came out, but now it's too hard to fight the kids for TV domination.

I bought it at a Renn Faire perfumery stall, but I think it was just basic essential oil. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Good for you! I don't know how old you are, but be prepared for men in their 40's or 50's to start following you around. It was one of the power scents back in the 80's, that Obsession and Poison.

Opium! God it's hard to find a scent like that anymore or someone courageous enough to wear it.

The first time I went to London I stayed and ate at the Dorchester for free for the entire week, courtesy of the friend that took me. She didn't pay for it either, it was all on her expense account. She gave me her per diem everyday so I could take black cabs everywhere instead of the tube. Every night I came back to

I curse you for showing me this...zomg, it comes in PINK!!!! Thank you I so love this...

Dude, I've had people question me over bringing my baby/kid to an art installation and to a museum. A MUSEUM! Why would anyone ever think it inappropriate to bring a baby/kid to a friggin' museum?! Kids need art too ya know. Plus how will they ever learn not to touch the art at a museum if I don't take them to one and

Once again, I'd like to thank New York parents for making LA parents sound sane. We think scratchy sheets are just fine thankyouverymuch, as long as they're organic of course.

I believe it's from this company. I have two rings from them myself.

I have a quote attributed to Julia Roberts on my Pinterest hair page that I think fits here: