
It’s okay, folks. Jason lives in his own little world. They know him there.

And if you need to fix just a little problem and it is baaarely starting to get dark, it will take you x4 as long, and you will be working until midnight.

The same is true for the money you budget for a project.

god # 10 so much... you can only get so much carb cleaner in ur eye until ur blind.....

I thought all the crap you drop gets stuck on the skidplate under the engine... At least that’s what happens with my Volvo.

Here are a 10 tips I learned from “Uncle Larry” - the retired Ford mechanic of 35 years who lived next door to my dad.

If hitting it with a hammer does not fix the problem, then it’s an electrical issue.

When installing bearings freeze them and heat the object they are being installed in, they drop in butter smooth!

Yeah, I don’t see him driving a Porsche. Maybe a Caddy would fit him better.

Funny store, the only thing to actually break on my FIAT was this pump...

Why in the hell are fans allowed to mill around in an area where cars might be driving through?


You know, I wonder if all this “behind the scenes drama” is real, or created by the BBC to keep interest in the show.

If he blows a tire, hits a deer, hydroplanes on a puddle, runs into an unexpected brick or hammer, or pretty much anything untoward happens...he can slide, still doing 150, into the back of a minivan full of kids, or across the center divider and have a 220mph head on.

...And doesn’t check the other driver immediately. THAT makes his life pretty worthless to me.

My favorite part is how he angrily exits his car, throwing his hands to the heavens as though the whole thing were an act of God.

I’m pretty sure that’s the last thing most idiots say in their lives.

Fuck Volkswagen to death. My 1.8t blew up even when properly serviced. Cost my 7k. Fuck them. Now that I can afford better cars they lost all my business and I tell the story to all, and badmouth the stealer that quoted me a short block, then installed a long block.

That was nice of him to pull forward before he started revving the engine with the exhaust dumping right out the side like that to not damage the car nearby :O