
Is it going to be road legal?

Ah, so you didn’t see the 3:07 mark where he GOT OUT OF THE VEHICLE AND CLUBBED A ROOKERY OF SEAL PUPS!!!??!

F that...if you’re now saying it was a mistake, you’re saying that basic company policy (which is probably very lenient already, because showbiz) is perfectly okay with personal assault. I’m not okay with that, as much as I loved TG. There comes a point where your top celebrity or top salesman just can’t be kept


Did the cops just not care when we were young? I am sure everyone reading this has at least one memory of riding in the trunk of a car or in the back of a pickup. How times have changed.

“He got what he deserved”

Ramming someone off the road at freeway speeds and going slow in the left lane are not at all equal. Not even close.

Yeah because pitting another guy into a wall was totally justified.

Attempted murder.

Nope, fuck that truck driver, all the Z was doing was slowing him down. He tried to kill the people in the Z

You could be right, but you still cannot escalate to deadly force unless your life is in danger. I can’t pull my gun just because some guy is giving me the finger. No one wants to walk away anymore.

Chris Evans collects a seven figure salary paid for by the British public, and will continue to do so even if he gets canned from Top Gear. I don’t think he really needs anyone’s sympathy.

Now playing

Was his stage name B-Shoc? Was he Christ-Like Cruisin in that Cav?

Say it with me every one.

Chris Evans has had 24 years to grow into the job of not being horrible, please don’t hold your breath.

The first Reliant segment is a complete waste of time, the Sabine segment was a bit pointless, the star on a reasonably priced rallycross car (a Mini?!) interview was content-free, the Ariel Nomad segment was pretty decent, and the last part of the challenge was contrived but okay, thanks to the mayor of Blackpool.

It’s like 70% of what the other show was. Chris Evans has no charm (at least compared to the other three). The shots aren’t as beautiful as the others were. Joey is quite good actually, but they don’t seem to know a lot about cars (Clarkson uses a lot of metaphores that I liked a lot and really knew how to communicate

As a Canadian, the resemblance to our famed national rodent only makes it far more appealing.