

I get it. It is annoying to have a device that doesn’t work in your newish car. I would be annoyed enough to go purchase the map data from the dealer, just to avoid seeing that message when I accidentally hit the ‘nav’ button.

All of the equipment is present in the car and all you need is an SD card containing the map data from your dealer. Reports vary but most agree on two things:

This is pretty much the only comment required.

The exact same thing that it means in any automotive context. Why would you think it would change?

Was it his careful choice of crime scene that made you think him a kid genius, or the fact that he is caught so infrequently?


That makes sense — there is no way Doug is going to hold onto a vehicle for the entire term of .. say .. a 6 month loan.

“But at $25k-30k I’m going to get bluetooth, nav, heated seats and other luxury touches, warranty and more over an ND/FRS”

What I’m hearing is that you should have bought a new BRZ. :P

The new one is more expensive than the FR-S. You’re really confusing everyone now.

True, but none of that is worth 100,000 pounds.

Thank you! I’d rather a boring grey than insipid white.

... says the VW driver.

You’re confusing axle ratios and transfer case gearing.

William Connor correctly points out that a Rubicon has a 4:1 low range in its beefier RockTrak transfer case. All other Wranglers are stuck with a 2.72:1 low range.

Bullshit. Both your ridiculous rant about labor and the silly idea that people who own Porsches didn’t work for them. A Porsche starts under 100k — something most professionals can afford after a few decades of work.

Of course, if you’re the kind of person who believes that honest work involves sweat, please avoid

Me too!

I guess you missed the mention of the optional warranty in both the article and the ad, eh?

Where is James to remind us how safe and stylish these silly cars really are? Clearly, it was the force of our hatred and judgement that pushed that car into the other lane. Bro.

How is less than 30k for a sports car NOT cheap? Seriously, anyone who expects more for less is dreaming.


Sometimes, I think that you guys post these stories just to watch us have the same arguments over and over again.