
The irony is that I read the initial tl/dr warning and read it anyway while usually I see a long post and don't read it. Glad I did, hilarious story. Well deserved.

... or maybe just put a bird on it.

If Merc can actually sell the G55 (and I see them all too often in Atlanta) then I say BMW can go for it. Watering it down or bringing a competitor to a market that actually has suckers? A little of both.

It was an epic piece for sure and I'm glad you brought it out for this one. I can no longer count how many times I've referenced it in general conversations.

I would be amazed by anyone buying that thing. Love the power numbers, but it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense practicality-wise.

Said it would be Euro only, but not that it was available yet. Wasn't sure if with the downturn they pulled the plug or not.

hmmm, missed that one. Time to scour the interwebs... Thanks for letting me know.

Audi Q7 6-liter V12 Diesel with 500hp and 738 lb-ft of torque... (from back in '08). [www.caranddriver.com]

That was soooo last year's car.

1 point for speeding

Does your WRX have a bird on it? Can we pickle it? There is a lot more to Portlandia that just calling it a hipper than thou haven, but I'm glad that's the part you've focused on. It's a damn TV show poking fun at the city, get over yourself.

Now playing

Hopefully the link works. That's from the show.

The rest of the world believes Portlandia is a satire and the joke is on Portland.

An African or European sand?

I think you've slightly missed the mark with the original Audi Quattro, but are close. The 200 Quattro Wagon adds the much needed trunk space while maintaining the Quattro setup, a decent motor, and a low roof line for easy access to the ski racks / box. It also adds two doors for additional passengers, or a place

Car: "Warning: Lean condition detected"

I got out in '05. We'll just ignore what my major was. Are you part of FSAE / Baja / Wreck Racing?

I've seen a competitor driving around where I work lately:

I was on a call this morning with some co-workers in Seattle. They referred to a video KING5 showed as "Prius Pinball." I do believe that is a new game which needs to become more pervasive.