
The hostess who came and comforted me told me straight up that it wasn’t me it was him and that he’s known for being an absolute jerk.

While I wasn’t assaulted by Chris Noth I did encounter him at Chateau Marmont once in the smoking area and he was the rudest meanest drunk I ever met. He screamed and yelled at me until I started crying and actually left my dinner and went home he was so awful. Why? Because I had the nerve to sing along with a Beatles

In response to your closing sentence: If everyone actually did “want to treat other people like humans regardless of how they identify themselves” then yes that would be enough and there would be no need for “identity politics” nor any need to legislate specific protections for marginalized groups of people. But they

Being mobbed at Coachella is the new status symbol. And my new excuse for everything. So sorry I couldn’t make it! I was being mobbed at Coachella.

He released that video today and I believe him regarding the allegations. He committed a serious faux pas hawking her competitor but jeez he’s a kid who is still learning life. This is 100% something she could have handled with him privately. She wanted to take him down and make him suffer while promoting herself at

Sugar Bear Hair is the real winner here. James made one post for them that went nuclear. I had never heard of them before. I think Tati’s move backfired in a way because if she hadn’t made a big deal about it Sugar Bear wouldn’t be getting all of this free press.

All I see is a grown woman piling on and taking down a teenager because her feelings were hurt. 

You are correct.

Fashion has officially reached peak ourobouros.

I would bet half a million bucks that most of those followers were paid for.

I did this! No one questioned it all. I'd been practicing copying my mom's signature and handwriting since elementary school. I never came clean with my mom, though.

Fuck this "article" and fuck snark. It's as dead as Gawker.

Listening to her sing just brought me to tears. Her family must be devastated.

Looks like she practiced that in the mirror a lot. Also like she’s trying to look like a grown-up version of Shirley Temple here.

I don’t love the name but I like her. Especially how honest she is about new motherhood. No one should be going back to work 6 weeks after giving birth. Even a cat takes 8-10 weeks to wean her kittens. 

Tiffany Trump is the human equivalent of a yellow peep in that photo.

Is it just me or does the bunny costume actually look like him?


Still funny.

Loved them but they came out after my teenage years.