
After compiling my list I realized it was all men, too. But that’s what I was listening to in my teen years. British goth mope rock. I liked Siouxsie and Kate Bush but they weren’t on heavy rotation. Guess I’m a bad feminist.

All those actors out of work.

Fucking treasonous rapist tool. Free Chelsea Manning.

I was starred for years but then they took all of ours stars away.

He should have also been charged with holding her hostage. That charge would have stuck.

Surely they’re taking the piss. Trolling.

Are we the same person? Because that is exactly what I’m doing.

Someone needs a hair intervention.

I can’t even count anymore. Even yesterday a man I didn’t know put his hand on my belly when he leaned in to talk to me. Twice. After I asked him not to the first time.

It was probably built by slaves, and the government decided to lease it to a known racist. Considering all of the black lives being ruined forever as they are systematically being murdered by the police, and the pain and suffering of their families and communities, well I think that really trumps any sort of landmark

Someone got the #freethenipple memo.

I’m still slightly in shock post-Gawker and find myself still going to the site. It feels like a ghost-town or a chilling harbinger of the future of the press and I get really sad. But for the brag part I have my art in a gallery for the first time so yay for that. Glad you found the right gown!

Best thing I’ve ever seen.

Um, actually I have a mad crush on him. Don’t judge me.

It’s not the wavy lines it’s the lighting. No one looks good with a fluorescent spotlight aimed at their forehead.

I’m as happy as anyone that they either worked it out or it was just a rumor. I met him 10 years at the Short Stop, a local bar here in LA owned by Greg Dulli. Jason is a genuinely nice guy. I’ve lived here a long time, though, and I prefer not to hang with the Scientology crowd. They’re very cliquish and have an

No person really is. Human beings can’t have dollar values. It’s all an illusion. A game we agree to play everyday like hamsters on a wheel going nowhere. Also not real: property ownership and boundaries. What gives any person a right to own a piece of this planet? It belongs to all of us. Which is why we can’t have

That’s who popped into my head, too. Please God no.

Gossip sites reported not too long ago that Ceren was leaving him over Scientology. Since this would be the third relationship that his affiliation with the COS would have cost him it looks like he came to his senses this time and chose his marriage over Scientology.

Best tabloid week ever.