
Now I know this isn’t a popular opinion, but I say that it’s on gay people to react to it properly. Similarly to how fat people have to react to the “fatass” insult or a short person has to deal with a “midget” insult. Let’s admit, for many people life is more fun with insults, and every insult is at the expense of

Fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: the blood was actually just paint

I laughed.

“His views are wrong”

I’m not taking the lawyers bait hook line and sinker. The lawyers’ statement aside, I know for a fact Yale in the past has had a reputation of being too lenient on sexual assault cases and promoting “rape culture” on campus. Seems that the expulsion of a high profile athlete might be a quick way for the campus to

Why is deadspin so invested in defending millenials?

You guys are such fucking tools. 10-1 game. He held his follow through for 2 fucking minutes and went all mvp juice Brett Boone. Fuck that guy. Hes a fucking nobody on a garbage team. He deserves to get drilled and he’s lucky he didn’t get his teammate drilled. But the entitled petulant children that write and comment