
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but so help me God if someone I’ve never met before uses a word that I personally don’t approve of I’m going to buckle myself into my computer chair and raise holy hell all over social media so that others know that I stand for what is GOOD in this world and anyone who disagrees

It’s a pretty big leap in logic to say that Curt is suggesting “most or all Muslims will become extreme and try and take over the world.” He’s suggesting that maybe we shouldn’t underestimate the upward mobility of a small violent subsection of an ideology because there is a historical precedent. You don’t have to

I see a comparison between MUSLIM EXTREMISTS and NAZIS. Again, show me where he compared Muslims to Nazis.


Where are his bigoted views on Muslims?

This is a peak Deadspin comment. Comparing someone to a racist because they said “Much love, even to the haters.” Good work.


I always wanted to read a story about The Rock by someone named after a French pastry.

Let them flip their bats, let the pitcher drill them in the ass the next time up and let them charge the mound. Why not? They’d probably all prefer it this way anyway, instead of having us losers trying to legislate what’s right and wrong in a game we don’t play.

It’s amazing how tone deaf people can be. Babies, regardless of how cute they are, can be a disturbance. Expecting people to allow you to bring a potential disturbance into any sort of group setting is the definition of selfish. It’s putting yourself above the group and it has nothing to do with anything else.

100% right. This website is the Montreal Canadiens of the blogosphere or whatever the fuck its called. A bunch of whiny, sarcastic, ironic wusses thumbing their nose at any expression of anger and aggression. “Yeah! What a BABY Paul Molitor is for telling that guy to go F himself! Yeah! It’s so stupid to throw at