
How is Trisha Nixon politically-adjacent to the Obama girls????

Poor Kate. It couldn't have happened to a more badass bitch.

The United States is across the pond, duh.

The apersonal is apolitical.

A girl so badass she achieved boy.

Because he's gay?

Americans like pot. It shows.

Butcha aren't, Blanche!

Meat-eating surrender donkeys.

Poor La’Merica.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I want to go to the American Sweethearts Male Model Show!!! ( unless I'm busy )

My new book is officially called “Heavenly Treat for your Vagina”.

That’s going to be an irritating habit after graduation.

Tina? We have an accident in aisle two.

I saw him onstage in London and one part of him was definitely not left perfect.

Yep, me and Mother Theresa, yum.

But it's no match for how the second one ended, I bet!