
Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled into thinking that she believes that the removal of embryos is as bad as killing a human being. What she really means is that the killing of Jews is as serious as killing a 5-week embryo. TRUST me. That's how much she cares about the killing of Jews, Roma and gay people. Very little.

I admire your optimism, but white couples pretty much own the "annoying shit that goes viral shortly before turning into a book or movie deal" corner of the internet these days. I want these guys to fight the dumpster professor and his girlfriend who went to Europe in a steel cage death match.

Is anyone on Earth surprised by this?

I believe that this is about outsized expectations. People are not apps. They are not cool new software that you can download and then dump whenever they don't fit your many, numerous demands. OkCupid is not a vending machine. If you meet a person IRL you don't create a checklist of demands that they must follow. You

Aidy Bryant is a treasure.

Dammit. I thought this was the guide to dressing like an Outsiders character. But I suppose I already do: lots of denim on denim and bruises... Very on trend.
Never mind then. Carry on.

Yeah, that's terribly confusing language. "Tax return" is not synonymous with "refund," as you still have to file a return if you owe taxes at the end of the year. I thought the article was suggesting that the lady filed a tax return reporting adjusted gross income of $94 million, which wouldn't be super

I will never understand the absolute disdain for black people so many assholes have. WHAT. IS. YOUR. FUCKING. PROBLEM.

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

Not only have I been there, but I could put names to the commenters who did it. I'm scrolling down this comment section with wry anticipation of seeing one of them here, as opposed to the weeds where she usually lurks.

Great! No one said you needed to mail her a thank you card. Shit, you don't even have to like the song. Guess what? That wasn't the point.

I hate to be a snarktopus on a well done article like this, but... If Jezebel can deny that it is an explicitly feminist site (esp. When they use it as an excuse to do patently unfeminist things), then what right does this site have to bust others for doing the same??

Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!

As someone who has had an abortion, let me assure you that it can take weeks to get an appointment for one. I waited two for mine, and when I called during that first week to see if there had been any cancellations, I was informed there weren't any for another month.

Nobody said this song was a feminist anthem, so take that straw man back to your barn, friend.

Please don't lecture me about this, as I'm intelligent enough to understand the distinction without being condescendingly talked to like I'm some sort of confused teenager who is shrieking, "I'M NOT A FEMINIST, I'VE NEVER BURNED A BRA ONCE!"

Heaven forbid a woman want to attract the male gaze! HARLOTS!

My biggest issue is that the critics seem to listen to the one seemingly offensive line ("I'm bringing booty back /Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that") but not the line immediately after that which clarifies she was joking and not even at their expense: "No I'm just playing. I know you think you're fat/ But

I'm firmly a feminist, but holy fuck, if this chick's career isn't a perfect example of when the feminist movement tries to eat its own young. "BUT SHE SAYS SKINNY BITCHES AND THAT'S NOT NICE!!!! SHE'S NOT A REAL FEMINIST! SHE'S PROBLEMATIC." Well, jeez, no wonder this young woman doesn't want to declare herself part

Why do we only ask female pop stars if they are feminists (and then wring our hands when they do not answer how we want them to)? I do not recall anyone asking Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, or a Drake if they are feminists...