I’m not surprised. Someone who would record and post this shit, not to mention the hair cutting, was clearly doing other things.
I’m not surprised. Someone who would record and post this shit, not to mention the hair cutting, was clearly doing other things.
When I first thought that he had broken up with her, I was fine with him not being in... But learning it was her made me feel bad for him.
If they kept it the same? No, not worse than death. If they started adding teens, like that 200th episode in Stargate? Yes
And yet all of his followers are like ‘Yeah. He was full of it.’
I felt like Myka and HG had way more chemistry together than Pete and Myka. Pete and Myka was way too familial, while I did feel like HG and Myka had much, much more. She even quit the Warehouse because of her.
Nuh uh. Warehouse 13 had HG and Mika paired up at the end. And I won’t hear differently.
People turned on him for lesser sentences.
Speak is one of those novels that you keep with you, even if you haven’t read it in awhile.
Ah. The I’m so stupid I think The Onion is a real newspaper defense. Smart thinking.
Most of the time they give me one w/o asking because I am asleep and the person I’m traveling with tells them I want a diet coke.
Wait. Are you suggesting that I can’t take out a room of ninjas in the real world? Maaaaan!!
More original than the Man from U.N.C.L.E. and other remakes being done this summer.
Canceling it because Tomorrowland, which while super into baby boomers and the theme park, wasn’t a remake.
Oh, I was just being silly while pointing out the :3ness of the design.
Is that why they have much more of a :3 face. Because everyone was giggling at his name, so he punished them by making their outfits more goofy?
We’re discussing people who killed and one who molested. Yes, in those cases, I don’t believe that just feeling bad about it is enough to mature from it. I didn’t make a sweeping statement about how it should be for every situation.
Well, I’m personally super into rehabilitation versus forever incarceration. And I do believe that you mature after childhood. In this case I blame the parents way more than Josh, but I still believe punishment was deserved.
Yes, but how much is a guy going to mature when he doesn’t get punished for it and instead his sisters are blamed?
...The same ones who stole her credit card numbers?
It was the year when many women, oddly enough they were engaged to be blushing brides, were found murdered in horrible ways.