
“Bomp bomp”

His grasp of graft is expert though.

His expectation that foreign companies will accept a 10% tariff without passing a 10% price hike on to American consumers is astonishingly naive. As he says, it’s small enough that nations won’t fight it; it’s also small enough that Americans won’t fight it either - if you were willing to buy a $200 television set,

Honest question: does Mr Trump ever speak in a full sentence? Every phrase sounds like four ideas strung along in a stream-of-conscious blob.

They would just have to settle for being intelligent, rich, and well-connected.

Twins? Then Amal wasn’t the only thing they did, amirite???

He’s an extremely moderate Tory if he is at all. His views have moved left in recent years (so much so that his election to speaker was not supported by hardly any Conservatives).

Now playing

As Trump doesn’t seem to like mockery and sarcasm, he’s going to hate the UK. Plus, we’ve already had multiple protests against him. It’s a longstanding tradition for Brits to mock anyone who is too full of themselves. Trump provides ample fodder for that mockery.

Northerner here, just waiting for the dates so I can get my train ticket! The only thing I’m struggle with is what main point to focus protesting on - I may have to go full westboro baptist* and hold four signs at a time.

Hello from London! Can confirm we are planning quite the welcome party for him. All entirely peaceful and legal of course, but he will get the message. I don’t think he will enjoy his visit very much...

Someone with more talent than I needs to turn that chant into a legit song. Top of the charts. Top of the Pops. Greatest song ever (it will be so)!

There is such really good help out there! Not that we are broken but that we aren’t taught skills that specifically deal with our personality types nor do we learn like the majority learn. We are a minority but not so much so that there isn’t science being done and help available.

That was mostly UKIP, although Tories didn’t help. The main issue though was mostly about less immigrants from EU member states (eg from Poland) as they had the right of free movement . People from third countries are still bound by the same immigration laws.

My dad has painted a (not great) rendition of this and put it up in his yard. On 4ft x 6ft plywood. In Trumplandia. It’s pretty fucking awesome.

Oh, but I’d pay hard cash to hear Prince Phillip’s bon mots when meeting Trump. “Good Lord, man, I’ve hunted and discarded better looking stoats than the one on your head.” Or “That’s YOUR golf course? Oh dear. Well, there’s always a chance of some Irishman or some demmed Punjab blowing it up. Might earn the fellow a

My god that’s brilliant. And it makes me miss living there SO much. Sing out for all of us of this side of the pond ok?

Dictators have been elected. Hitler, obviously, is the prime example. Stalin was elected through the normal state mechanisms and he was also a dictator. The list goes on, but I assume you get the point. Dictatorial authority is not inconsistent with normal constitutional mechanisms for elections and pathways to

with Brexit in the works, it is advantageous for Britain to settle a trade deal with America.

Trump is the living embodiment of “ The Americans “ episode of ”Fawlty Towers “ writ large. We, the American people are , ironically, Manuel. Trump keeps screaming for his goddamn Waldorf Salad that nobody, much like Basil Fawlty knows how to make.