
“ On your majesty’s secret service “ or nothing.

I’m British. I have no idea who these people are either, but then I avoid the Daily Mail (especially the website’s “sidebar of shame”) as much as I possibly can.

Bullshit. If Jama was a white women speaking French you wouldn’t give a shit. If she was a white women speaking Swahili you still probably wouldn’t have given a shit.

Kill it with fire!

You Oort to be proud of yourself.

I think they handled this much better in Interstellar with Matt Damon’s character. He was a piece of shit for choosing himself over humanity, but you could really sense his desperation.

- except a year’s worth of deliberation isn’t “a moment of desperation”; that’s premeditated murder.

Well when I finally achieve my dream of being a shut in we will see how I fair.

See, I think he’s right there, in terms of after a year of torturous loneliness you’d be willing to do absolutely anything to have company. But the execution is vital: if, after a year, he’s a broken person barely human any more, then it becomes understandable. If he’s still an affable Chris Pratt type, then it

Wake up the person that can fix the sleeping pods... not the hot chick.

I mean i already know i’m going to die alone and I think a space ship with free booze could keep me entertained.

Yes, yes I do. Far as I know, though, I’m perfectly allowed to have a problem with that. It is my opinion, owned by me, and in no way causes harm or damage, and does not in any way influence said person, or persons associated with having that many pregnancies.

Sixth pregnancy......sixth.

The “I can see Russia from my house” quote was from SNL. Tina Fey said it in character.

Put elf on shelf right here, next to router!

Whoever portrays Putin is an absolute genius (as well). A joy to watch.

I think it can be a very effective way of defining Trump through the eyes of the uniformed public. Last week they showed Tillerson and Putin with Trump and they were discussing oil drilling and lifting the sanctions. Once SNL constantly shows Trump as a lackey of Putin; a know nothing; incompetent; stupid; childish;

If he does it for the next four years, GIVE HIM ALL THE MONEY.

Still not as scary looking as these two