
For me, it’s Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles. There was a lot to love in those first novels and even as it lingered it had bursts of interesting developments. And then it got so, so, so bad, both due IMO to inadequate editing and just terrible vision. I made it to Blackwood Farm before my rage forced me to say

Mance Rayder FTW!!! Jon needs someone to help him sneak over Winterfell’s walls and reclaim the North!

Is it like going to army?

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

Now playing

Posted earlier, but it makes republicans angry so here it is again!


Can you say “Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama”, boys and girls?

I was hardly a fan, but this Supreme Court decision is one of the most important things to ever happen involving video game culture and he wrote the majority opinion. It’s a minor part of his legacy, but given that this is a gaming-centric site, it seemed worth noting.

You forget that his is a video game website.

Yes, telling black people that they aren’t smart enough for “fast-paced colleges” (lol) is disagreeing. Also glad he’s dead.

Okay, fine. So once in a blue moon, he was right. Still: fuck him and good riddance. I don’t care that the man just died. The beautiful honesty of Atheism I guess.

The internet cried when The Hunger Games cast a black girl as Rue, even though she matched the written description. The Harry Potter play cast a black performer as Hermione and the net lost it again, tho Jo Rowling applauded. Tom Cruise is shorter than I but played Jack Reacher, who’s described as 6'6 and 220+, and

Not just rich white people, but 1% rich white people.


It’s sort of like an Amber Alert except when it goes off it blares “Do you know who I am” rather than “Do you know where I am”. And not amber, more like Beluga caviar pearly grey.

I could be Albert Einstein and they would discredit me as a horrible scientist. It doesn’t matter.

Fred Smith I am a black man working in Hollywood and have been for 15 years. I do not need anything from you about Hollywood and it’s discriminatory practices and worship of blatantly racist assholes. See my comment on Ron Howard. I don’t need anything. I know how this industry works. I have worked for and with

Everybody want whitey. When NatGeo came up with a portrait of Jesus Christ based on how 0 BC Gallileans looked i.e. olive-to-dark skinned, curly black haired, round faced Jew the Christianity at large had a cerebral fart followed by some real ones and copious diarrhea. According to present-day Christians Jesus is a

Look, this all begins and ends with Ridley’s quote on the subject.

Yeah NOBODY will go see a movie with a black English kid with a Nigerian name as the lead! Psssh!