
During the debates I’ve been treating myself to valium, painkillers and a nice chilled sauvignon Blanc.

Wish Melania had a hated, estranged brother that was a Slovenian Orthodox priest. Clinton could bring him along, show him off as Mel’s Relative and watch Trump’s base lose their minds. Big robes, weird hat, giant beard.... (((“MUSLIM!”))

It would be easy for Clinton to go down to his level, she could simply bring along the family of Trumps dead brother. The ones whose medical bills he refused to pay.

I heard he was bringing Bill Clinton’s alleged mixed race son. christ! I can seriously imagine president Trump turning up to a G8 summit with the badly treated maids, hated cousins and spurned lovers of his fellow world leaders in tow.

You know that girl knows every accusation  is true. All she needs to do is recall their 1st meeting.

I know I do.

“Uncle Tom’s Cabinet.”

Carson? I can’t with this guy.

Leave him alone? He loves it. Dude is selling his own merch.

It’s not the word “transvestite” that offends because thats just cross dressing, it’s the word “tranny” when used as a slur against transexuals. It never used to be, but now, everything is offensive apparently. Older trans women and drag queens really couldn’t give a fuck.

Given that “Divorce” is written by one of my favourite comedy writers Sharon Horgan (Pulling, Catastrophe), I believe the only way this could be awful is if HBO royally fucked with it. Horgan has never let me down.

Could barely watch as the video perpetually panning down made me too bloody dizzy.

Parking Patawayo!

Is that Tea Leaf?

I wanna go over to Breitbart to see what that den of villainy makes of this but I don’t fancy falling headlong into severe depression today. Any takers?

Nothing to see here... Move on.

I know,right?

I’m pretty sure he’s coming back as the Doctor. Was gagging for David Tennant when I heard the rumour that a previous Doctor might be reprising his role but this makes sense.