
I know I do.

“Uncle Tom’s Cabinet.”

Carson? I can’t with this guy.

It’s not the word “transvestite” that offends because thats just cross dressing, it’s the word “tranny” when used as a slur against transexuals. It never used to be, but now, everything is offensive apparently. Older trans women and drag queens really couldn’t give a fuck.

Given that “Divorce” is written by one of my favourite comedy writers Sharon Horgan (Pulling, Catastrophe), I believe the only way this could be awful is if HBO royally fucked with it. Horgan has never let me down.

I wanna go over to Breitbart to see what that den of villainy makes of this but I don’t fancy falling headlong into severe depression today. Any takers?

Rashida Jones looks gorgeous.

Pharaoh is my fav. Still play it to this day.

Save Kaiden let Ashley die... Always! She’s a Donald Trump supporter if I ever saw one.

Shut up Bioware and take my money and 1st born.

That’s all very nice and everything but let’s be clear, I’d have happily shoved small Japanese children out of the way and climbed in the kids Catbus anyway because... CATBUS!

I can’t listen to these nutters. The hollywood, raw diet, health freak anti-vac lunatics are also the same people that have silicone stitched into their bodies, chemical face peels and inject the bacterium that causes Botulism and into their forehead wrinkles...so

Oh yeah.I remember it. That was fucking awful.

Bioware’s lawyers? Anyone? anyone?

Mmmmm... Timey-Wimey.

I can remember a time about 6 or 7 years ago when this awesome mutha fucker was in EVERYHING I was obsessively watching at the time. Lost, The Wire, Fringe. Lance Reddick might as well have been my long lost Ethiopian father for how many hours I spent with this dude.

...And ME3's icing on the cake was Citadel. It was bloody marvelous!

Oooh, someone’s serving up some Hanz Zimmer realness. Love it!

I have no “OBJECTION”s