
Elton John is “one of England’s favorite sons?” Er no, no he’s not. He’s one of our stroppy, old, hateful queens. We have a lot of those.

I feel you. With a heavy heart I took all my piercings out last year. I knew it was over when claire’s accessories started selling labrets. But new Rocky Horror? Don’t know if I can take it.

I loved the Good wife so much but that finale killed me. Long running drama series endings should be nice, rewarding and all wrapped up in a satisfactory bow or absolutely gut wrenching with death, destruction and utter, utter misery. I’m a serial re-watcher of shows I love but that ending left a sour taste in my gob

I can’t listen to these nutters. The hollywood, raw diet, health freak anti-vac lunatics are also the same people that have silicone stitched into their bodies, chemical face peels and inject the bacterium that causes Botulism and into their forehead wrinkles...so

Think I’m going with “ bad News”

Oh yeah.I remember it. That was fucking awful.

Bioware’s lawyers? Anyone? anyone?

Mmmmm... Timey-Wimey.

I can remember a time about 6 or 7 years ago when this awesome mutha fucker was in EVERYHING I was obsessively watching at the time. Lost, The Wire, Fringe. Lance Reddick might as well have been my long lost Ethiopian father for how many hours I spent with this dude.

Fuck the millenium bridge. I’d rather swim across the Thames than walk across that rickety pile of bollocks again.

...And ME3's icing on the cake was Citadel. It was bloody marvelous!

Oooh, someone’s serving up some Hanz Zimmer realness. Love it!

“water sommelier?” Seriously, I don’t want to live in a world where this is a thing.

Totally, there’s no secrecy about it

They totally should have gone younger.

I have no “OBJECTION”s

Bloody gorgeous!

Side effects? Sexual nightmares and sleep crime.