
There are a lot of legit criticisms to make of them as people, but A Rod was not a middling talent. As a player he has HOF stats (steroid scandal notwithstanding) and he’s respected as a broadcaster.  

I’m kind of bummed that they broke up, for no reason other than when they cut to him during her performances at the Super Bowl and the inauguration he looked like he was bursting with pride and it was adorable. 

A lot of these people very much want girlfriends/wives/boyfriends/husbands. People who will provide the emotional support, settle down, chill with on sundays, have family cookouts, take care of them when they are sick or down. All the other stuff of a relationship that makes them worthwhile. And they absolutely don’t

Excuse me, but JLo and A-Rod are not my mom and dad. They strike me as middling talents who value form over substance. They are beautiful people who wear beautiful clothes and take beautiful vacations, but add nothing to making the world a better place.

I tried to guess which one is Marge based on which facelift looks best and I’m gonna tell you, they’re all uncanny valley for me with the contouring, fillers, botox, fake lashes and hair, heavy makeup, and assorted plastic surgery.

This is the fifth shooting death of a student at Austin-East...”

Predominately black school and America is racist as fuck.

So this gif..... the man is a centaur, right? Human front, horse center, human back.

I live around this area and while that gives me absolutely no insight I realize, there have been shootings of teenagers on their way home from this school, in the middle of the day, since January. The police have no suspects and I don’t sense a ton of pressure to figure these murders out quickly. When I heard about

Kris Jenner’s advice to Kim is to put the kids first. Well, duh! Who else are you going to exploit and commercialize to keep yourself relevant as you age??

Just another day in the USA?

This is the fifth shooting death of a student at Austin-East this year”

So one idiot school cop shoots the other and then they both blast away at the supposedly armed student who didn’t shoot anyone. Do I have that right?

And in her home land, her name is Diana, and she’s a Princess.

The proportions are just off. Like I don’t know where his crotch would go. It’s like porn made by someone really turned on by Tusk

I wouldn’t. It’s just so anatomically ambiguous as an artist and a designer it just hurts my brain.

She’s Diana, princess of Themyscira, so...

And she *was* a princess so her actual name was Princess Diana...

Well, the character’s name is Diana Prince, so...

I think this may be the (unlinkable) link you are looking for