
You're welcome for that Tip BTW Giz! :)

So If the Inspire 4G on AT&T is equal to the Desire HD in the UK, That means my inspire 4G will/should get the ICS update? Or is it up too AT&T at this point or something? I mean can't they list which ones for which carriers are getting it. Geez.

I couldn't even watch a full minute. Those sideburns were FAR too distracting!! Seemed like they were Elvis inspired but he is also taking testosterone pills too!!

All I know is I would not have wanted to be one of the techs that installed the camera that high up... NO sir! haha.

Nice. now let's just hope HTC will put this on the Inspire and A) not screw it up and B) not in like a year from now. I really hope they do as I am not upgrade eligible until like 2013. :(

Yes you can. Settings/Notifications/Weather.

Unless the entire printing and mailing process is done by robots, there are some apple card employees that are gonna see a bunch of "junk" pics haha.

Zukerberg is not much of a public speaker.

If you stick to the android market for apps and games ,etc you'll be fine. It might be a little weird getting used to all that freedom on your phone after not having to have apple tell you what you can/can't do though. :) (I switched from iphone 4 to HTC inspire 4G with gingerbread, Never looking back at iphone again.)

Ya these are called water screens. Welcome to 2005. :D

Funny how giz's post a link for the source and the blog just below the source outs giz as not doing their proper research like usual. :) Funny.

so this would the snow version of a slinky? lol

How is this news? Did you just recently go to a taco bell? Heck you can taste it's not 100% beef can't you?

@brandonsablan01: Were you SHOUTING into your iPhone 4 while holding it "Wrong" when you typed this? :D I kid!

OR.........I keep using a toothpaste I ACTUALLY LIKE and if I want to know the weather I'll either look it up or take a step outside? Or am I being too "non tech" for brushing my teeth? :)

I was very lucky my girl was able to wake herself up at 7am thanks to this stupid bug!

I would have hated to be the stage hand backstage that figured out the rope wasn't connected just before he jumped off that platform.

Ok well...whenever I go to change my password it says password save failed. EVERY single time I try. Anyone have any ideas? I checked the widget and I am not on there as a compromised email address. But everyone one says to change your password anyways. So any help?

"You get can patted down in private!"