
My depth perception may be off here but it doesn't look like he was anywhere near the bridge to call it a close call or anything like that. Also seeing how the landing gear went UP this is a takeoff. not a final approach.

Ok So i have a few files on there. How do i get them OFF?

@Anciegher: "(Sadly, this is only available for the iPhone 4, not other iOS devices.)"

@BGR: Agreed

You titled this purposely like that cause you wanted the dick jokes right?

When are they updating iPad firmware?

@zelannii: oh ok thanks. Can you link me to one?

Damn. I just bought a iPad. Please don't tell me they will release a new iPad soon with a camera on it now. suppose that's what I get for buying a 1st gen device from apple.

Cool Aug 12th is when I get my iPad! too bad no one is organizing a meet up in my city and I'm not doing it. lol

OK guys who ordered the 36 oz tube of astroglide? HMM??

@TheCrudMan: I'm in the lighting industry those types of units can cost upwards of about 16K to 160K and they require a special license. They are not cheap by any means.

@iPolak: Actually to both and Matt. :)

@watercurses: I know. i was thinking the same thing. I even looked at who wrote it and went "Oh" somewhat disappointingly.

@GoodBytes: Really? I am running a Intel quad core 2.66ghz, 6gb ram and a Nvidia GTS 240 1 GB card and it play and loads smoothly on mine in original size and full screen.

@jgrnt1: Ya mine tries to install the driver but i get driver install failed the device is unplugged. but it's not. but it still shows up in Itunes and sync's fine.

I STILL cannot get my 3GS to be seen on my win7 64 bit as a camera. grrr